
Research activity


The faculty’s scientific research focuses on addressing the challenges of today’s society in the field of public health and the health of individuals and communities. The challenges are the result of rapid technological development and modern lifestyles, which are characterized by reduced physical activity, poor eating habits and other examples of unhealthy behaviours (stress, drinking, smoking, etc.). These factors present a high risk for developing many chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs). They are a serious health and social problem in the developed world, since they reduce the quality of life, the workability of the active population, shorten the life span and cause major direct and indirect costs. As many as 80 % of NCD cases are attributed to unhealthy lifestyles that could be prevented (World Health Organization, 2009).

The faculty strives to design and analyse the effectiveness of various interdisciplinary approaches for the holistic treatment of individuals, subpopulations and populations, and to prepare strategic plans for the implementation of effective interventions in the areas of nutrition, healthy lifestyle, managing chronic diseases, improving quality of life, etc. By expanding its set of important findings, the faculty contributes new knowledge on NCD development, risk factors and strategic prevention plans across different age groups, thereby facilitating the synergistic transfer of pre-clinical knowledge about improving health status of the population in the region and beyond.

The faculty’s scientific research activities focus on the fields of nursing, nutrition, dietetics, movement, and basic natural and medical sciences.

The researchers are part of the UP FVZ 2413-001 Research group, which currently consists of 50 researchers and professional/technical staff.

In accordance with the Strategy of education and scientific research work on UP Faculty of Health Sciences for the period of 2018 – 2021, faculty’s activities in the field of scientific research work are focused on preparing the parent research program, which would be financed by the ARRS (acronym »ZDRAV«: joint measures based on diet, movement and health education for different age groups using health protection activities). The purpose is to improve the successfulness of scientific research and to establish an interdisciplinary team to research and address a common goal from different perspectives. The potential result will be protecting health of the population at different stages of life (children and adolescents, the active population, the elderly), developing science and profession in the field of dietetics, kinesiology, nursing, physiotherapy, and combining several scientific and professional disciplines (dietetics, nursing, kinesiology, natural sciences, medicine). Based on the results of the research program, it will be possible to raise awareness among the general population about healthy behavioral habits and the possibilities of preventing NCD in all age groups, either through professional meetings or through the media.

The faculty participates in several research programs and projects co-financed by the Public Agency for Research and Development of the Republic of Slovenia (ARRS), in various domestic research projects co-financed by national funds (programs of various ministries), and in international research projects co-financed by cross-border cooperation programs (The European Social Fund, the European Regional Development Fund and other financial instruments).

Research programmes


Research and development projects

International projects

Student projects

Research equipment

Bilateral project ARIS SLO-BIH: Effects Of Wearing Different School Bags On Kinematic Gait Parameters In Children Ages 8-12

Bilateral project ARIS SLO-BIH: Effects Of Wearing Different School Bags On Kinematic Gait Parameters In Children Ages 8-12

EQI-TRAIN Establishing scientific foundations for eccentric quasi-isometric resistance training

MOJ IZZIV III Interdisciplinarni pristop pri obravnavi prekomerno hranjenih otrok in mladostnikov s poudarkom na dvigu zdravstvene pismenosti cele družine

V5-2301 Z znanostjo do medalje: pregled medicinske, prehranske in psihološke podpore olimpijske ekipe

SiZDRAV Sinergija med zdravjem, delom in izobraževanjem

V3-2305 Implementing the concept of 24-hour movement behaviours as a determinant of health into the Slovenian environment (GIB24)

BI-RS/23-25-039 Sustainable food for healthy future

Optimization of strategies for the prevention and treatment of patellofemoral pain after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (Internal postdoctoral project)

J5-4572 Development of a digital education standard in higher education for ensuring equity and accessibility in digital education (Basic project ARIS)

Development of innovative approached to assessment of force-velocity-power profiles as a foundation for athletic training design (National project)

Development of innovative approached to assessment of force-velocity-power profiles as a foundation for athletic training design (National project)

Optimisation of current guidelines for carbohydrate intake during endurance exercise (National project)

Optimisation of current guidelines for carbohydrate intake during endurance exercise (National project)

IZO-STAR – Flywheel exercise for preventing the decline of motor function of the elderly

IZO-STAR – Flywheel exercise for preventing the decline of motor function of the elderly

RAVNOTEZ – Assessing balance with quantifying transient behavior of postural sway: from validation to practical application (internal post-doctoral position)

RAVNOTEZ – Assessing balance with quantifying transient behavior of postural sway: from validation to practical application (internal post-doctoral position)

V4-2004: Management strategies and control of Salmonella Infantis infections in broiler flocks (CRP project ARIS)

V4-2004: Management strategies and control of Salmonella Infantis infections in broiler flocks (CRP project ARIS)



E-centre for tracking and preventing athletic injuries in Slovenia   (National project)

E-centre for tracking and preventing athletic injuries in Slovenia (National project)

EXPLOREDU: System for the identification, management and re-use information on educational events and freely accessible educational content in Slovenia and the world (National project)

EXPLOREDU: System for the identification, management and re-use information on educational events and freely accessible educational content in Slovenia and the world (National project)

EU MENU Slovenia – Support to National Dietary Surveys in Compliance with the EU Menu methodology – fourth support (National project)

EU MENU Slovenia – Support to National Dietary Surveys in Compliance with the EU Menu methodology – fourth support (National project)

The influence of differently filled glycogen stores on the hydration status (and body composition) of athletes (National project)

The influence of differently filled glycogen stores on the hydration status (and body composition) of athletes (National project)



J4-7608 Control of contamination of poultry meat with campylobacters in slaughterhouse (Basic project ARRS)

J4-7608 Control of contamination of poultry meat with campylobacters in slaughterhouse (Basic project ARRS)

V5-1507: Nursing as a scientific discipline in Slovenia: An internationally comparable secondary and tertiary education system in nursing care as the foundation of research and scientific contribution to the sustainable development of society (CRP project)

V5-1507: Nursing as a scientific discipline in Slovenia: An internationally comparable secondary and tertiary education system in nursing care as the foundation of research and scientific contribution to the sustainable development of society (CRP project)

Z2-7257 Postdoc project ARRS – Development of algorithms for antimicrobial drug discovery and reduction of antimicrobial resistance

Z2-7257 Postdoc project ARRS – Development of algorithms for antimicrobial drug discovery and reduction of antimicrobial resistance

L3 – 0129 Cell-free nucleic acids in diagnosis of coronary atherosclerosis (Applied project)

L3 – 0129 Cell-free nucleic acids in diagnosis of coronary atherosclerosis (Applied project)

J7-9743 The impact of health care on the quality of life of elderly people: The influence of incontinence and impaired mobility on functionary of elderly people (Basic project ARRS)

J7-9743 The impact of health care on the quality of life of elderly people: The influence of incontinence and impaired mobility on functionary of elderly people (Basic project ARRS)

J5-4281 »RAZKORAK« Longitudinal study in competence potential of university graduates and a gap between graduates’ competences and labour market requirements in technology, education and health (Basic project ARRS)

J5-4281 »RAZKORAK« Longitudinal study in competence potential of university graduates and a gap between graduates’ competences and labour market requirements in technology, education and health (Basic project ARRS)

J1-6734 Lightweight alloys based on aluminium as materials with increasing potential in transport industry (Basic project ARRS)

J1-6734 Lightweight alloys based on aluminium as materials with increasing potential in transport industry (Basic project ARRS)

Multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of obesity  (Self-financed project)

Multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of obesity (Self-financed project)

M1-0151 Molecular detection of the consequences of the effects of biological weapon and toxins with long-term activity (CRP project)

M1-0151 Molecular detection of the consequences of the effects of biological weapon and toxins with long-term activity (CRP project)

Interdisciplinary approach in dealing with over-fed children and adolescents (National project)

Interdisciplinary approach in dealing with over-fed children and adolescents (National project)

Bilateral project ARRS SLO-USA: Motor control study of selected work tasks with the aim to develop ergonomic and kinesiological measures in case of low back pain

Bilateral project ARRS SLO-USA: Motor control study of selected work tasks with the aim to develop ergonomic and kinesiological measures in case of low back pain

Bilateral project ARRS SLO-SRB: Innovative fermentation of cereals and pseudocereals for functional bakery products

Bilateral project ARRS SLO-SRB: Innovative fermentation of cereals and pseudocereals for functional bakery products

Bilateral project ARRS SLO-SRB: New dietary food product for physically active people

Bilateral project ARRS SLO-SRB: New dietary food product for physically active people

Bilateral project ARRS SLO-SRB: Effects of accelerated growth in children and of ageing in elderly on kinesthetic sense – the importance for functional movement

Bilateral project ARRS SLO-SRB: Effects of accelerated growth in children and of ageing in elderly on kinesthetic sense – the importance for functional movement

SCHOOL POT (National project)

SCHOOL POT (National project)

J3-2277 Combination of Electrogene Immune Therapy with Interleukin-12 and Irradition for Treatment of Experimental Tumors (Basic project ARRS)

J3-2277 Combination of Electrogene Immune Therapy with Interleukin-12 and Irradition for Treatment of Experimental Tumors (Basic project ARRS)

J3-2218 Detection of Prostethic Infection at Revision Arthroplasty (Basic project ARRS)

J3-2218 Detection of Prostethic Infection at Revision Arthroplasty (Basic project ARRS)

J3-6796 Translational oncology: development and validation of immunogene therapy with Interleukin-12 combined with surgery for canine cancers of the oral cavity and skin (Basic project ARRS)

J3-6796 Translational oncology: development and validation of immunogene therapy with Interleukin-12 combined with surgery for canine cancers of the oral cavity and skin (Basic project ARRS)

J3-4211 Antiangiogenic gene therapy of cancer using electroporation and magnetic nanoparticles as targeted delivery systems (Basic project ARRS)

J3-4211 Antiangiogenic gene therapy of cancer using electroporation and magnetic nanoparticles as targeted delivery systems (Basic project ARRS)

J3-4259 Preparation and validation of therapeutic plasmids without selection gene for antibiotic resistance for cancer gene therapy using inducible and tissue-specific promoters (Basic project ARRS)

J3-4259 Preparation and validation of therapeutic plasmids without selection gene for antibiotic resistance for cancer gene therapy using inducible and tissue-specific promoters (Basic project ARRS)

J3-8209 Bilirubin as a protective factor against the development of chronic degenerative diseases: serum biomarker and pharmacological modulation (Basic project ARRS)

J3-8209 Bilirubin as a protective factor against the development of chronic degenerative diseases: serum biomarker and pharmacological modulation (Basic project ARRS)

Promotion of activities to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and psychosocial risks at work (National project)

Promotion of activities to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and psychosocial risks at work (National project)

INOVUP – Innovative Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (National project)

INOVUP – Innovative Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (National project)

InoTeZ – Innovative with technology to knowledge (National project)

InoTeZ – Innovative with technology to knowledge (National project)

Upskilling coaches for children’s motor skill development PETIT

Equality in social and professional recognition of nurses: A longitudinal, international comparison on the status and evolution of social and professional recognition of European nurses EQUANU

Implementation Of Nurse Professional Competence Scale in Nursing profession in Croatia and Slovenia (Bilateral project SLO-CRO)

Implementation Of Nurse Professional Competence Scale in Nursing profession in Croatia and Slovenia (Bilateral project SLO-CRO)

VALCER Waste recovery: potential of using the cherry core (EU PROJ/IPV/ID&I/00)

VALCER Waste recovery: potential of using the cherry core (EU PROJ/IPV/ID&I/00)

DIG-IT: Digital Education Initiatives and Timely Solutions (ERASMUS+)

DIG-IT: Digital Education Initiatives and Timely Solutions (ERASMUS+)

PreconNet: PRECONCEPTION HEALTH OF YOUTH, bridging the gap in and through education (ERASMUS+)

PreconNet: PRECONCEPTION HEALTH OF YOUTH, bridging the gap in and through education (ERASMUS+)

DeMoPhaC: Development of a model for nurses’ role in interprofessional pharmaceutical care” (ERASMUS+)

DeMoPhaC: Development of a model for nurses’ role in interprofessional pharmaceutical care” (ERASMUS+)

SURFUNCTI Controlled surface structuring and surface functionalisation af advanced biomedical titanium alloys for orthopaedic implants (MNT-ERA.NET II)

SURFUNCTI Controlled surface structuring and surface functionalisation af advanced biomedical titanium alloys for orthopaedic implants (MNT-ERA.NET II)

EATMOT Psycho-social motivations associated with food choices and eating practices

EATMOT Psycho-social motivations associated with food choices and eating practices

INTEGRA: Cross border network for migrant women : sexual and reproductive health and social integration (INTERREG SLO-ITA 2014-2020)

INTEGRA: Cross border network for migrant women : sexual and reproductive health and social integration (INTERREG SLO-ITA 2014-2020)



CO.N.S.E.N.SO: »COmmunity Nurse Supporting Elderly iN a changing SOciety« (Model of care for elderly in Alpinespace)

CO.N.S.E.N.SO: »COmmunity Nurse Supporting Elderly iN a changing SOciety« (Model of care for elderly in Alpinespace)

EP4Bio2Med European network for development of electroporation-based technologies and treatments – Acronym (COST action)

EP4Bio2Med European network for development of electroporation-based technologies and treatments – Acronym (COST action)

TRAFOON – Traditional Food Network to improve the transfer of knowledge for innovation (EU 7th Framework Programme)

TRAFOON – Traditional Food Network to improve the transfer of knowledge for innovation (EU 7th Framework Programme)

TRANS2CARE Transregional Network for Innovation and Technology Transfer to Improve Health Care (INTERREG SLOVENIA – ITALY 2007 – 2013)

TRANS2CARE Transregional Network for Innovation and Technology Transfer to Improve Health Care (INTERREG SLOVENIA – ITALY 2007 – 2013)

PKP: SMOOTHIE – Smoothie for health

PKP: SMOOTHIE – Smoothie for health

PKP: SAMOKATETERIZACIJA – SELF-CATHETERIZATION, integrative development of devices

PKP: SAMOKATETERIZACIJA – SELF-CATHETERIZATION, integrative development of devices

PKP: FONDA – Culinary Tips for Cooking Healthy Fish and Cooking Recipes for the Fish Farm FONDA

PKP: FONDA – Culinary Tips for Cooking Healthy Fish and Cooking Recipes for the Fish Farm FONDA

ŠIPK: SRCE – The plan to improve the lifestyle of coronary patients

ŠIPK: SRCE – The plan to improve the lifestyle of coronary patients

PKP: LEPA – Designing a model for promoting sustainable development of physical activities in the local environment

PKP: LEPA – Designing a model for promoting sustainable development of physical activities in the local environment

PKP: GLINDEX – Development and testing of new products with suitable glycemic index for patients with diabetes

PKP: GLINDEX – Development and testing of new products with suitable glycemic index for patients with diabetes

PKP: KREPKO – Influence of kefir consumption on metabolic syndrome indicators

PKP: KREPKO – Influence of kefir consumption on metabolic syndrome indicators

PKP: MEDEX – The effects of royal jelly on systemic inflammation

PKP: MEDEX – The effects of royal jelly on systemic inflammation

PKP: SACYC – Designing guidelines for preventing injuries during cycling

PKP: SACYC – Designing guidelines for preventing injuries during cycling

PKP: ČILI – Chili analysis

PKP: ČILI – Chili analysis

PKP: DIETA – The influence of low carbon hydroatate nutrition on health indicators

PKP: DIETA – The influence of low carbon hydroatate nutrition on health indicators

ŠIPK: GibKoP – Holistic approaches to active and healthy aging: Moving and cognitive activity and nutrition

ŠIPK: GibKoP – Holistic approaches to active and healthy aging: Moving and cognitive activity and nutrition

ŠIPK: FUNKCIONAL – The possibility of using useful discards of food and waste of primary processing for the preparation of functional foods

ŠIPK: FUNKCIONAL – The possibility of using useful discards of food and waste of primary processing for the preparation of functional foods

ŠIPK: PREDEL – Interdisciplinary care for occupational health in micro and small companies in Littoral region

ŠIPK: PREDEL – Interdisciplinary care for occupational health in micro and small companies in Littoral region

ŠIPK: ŽIVSLOG – The influence of lifestyle on health of young athletes

ŠIPK: ŽIVSLOG – The influence of lifestyle on health of young athletes

ŠIPK: PROZ-SIPO – Health promotion for slovenian police

ŠIPK: PROZ-SIPO – Health promotion for slovenian police

PKP: PROICECREAM – Development and testing of ice cream with the addition of probiotic microbial cultures

PKP: PROICECREAM – Development and testing of ice cream with the addition of probiotic microbial cultures

PKP: ZdravDIH – Integral breathing to promote healthy lifestyle patterns

PKP: ZdravDIH – Integral breathing to promote healthy lifestyle patterns

PKP: HIPDY – Development and validation of mobile measurement system for muscular capacity

PKP: HIPDY – Development and validation of mobile measurement system for muscular capacity

ŠIPK: OKOUČINKOVIT – Preparing a model for evaluating sustainable development and the environmental efficiency of educational institutions

ŠIPK: OKOUČINKOVIT – Preparing a model for evaluating sustainable development and the environmental efficiency of educational institutions

ŠIPK: PONO – Development of the platform intended to reduce the football injuries

ŠIPK: PONO – Development of the platform intended to reduce the football injuries

ŠIPK: ESPOS – E-center for sport injuries in Slovenia

ŠIPK: ESPOS – E-center for sport injuries in Slovenia

PKP: SMILJ – Characterization of H. italicum and study of the effects of H. italicum products on oxidative stress and inflammation

PKP: SMILJ – Characterization of H. italicum and study of the effects of H. italicum products on oxidative stress and inflammation
