Research activities

Bilateral project ARIS SLO-BIH: Effects Of Wearing Different School Bags On Kinematic Gait Parameters In Children Ages 8-12

Development of innovative approached to assessment of force-velocity-power profiles as a foundation for athletic training design (National project)

Optimisation of current guidelines for carbohydrate intake during endurance exercise (National project)

RAVNOTEZ – Assessing balance with quantifying transient behavior of postural sway: from validation to practical application (internal post-doctoral position)

V4-2004: Management strategies and control of Salmonella Infantis infections in broiler flocks (CRP project ARIS)

EXPLOREDU: System for the identification, management and re-use information on educational events and freely accessible educational content in Slovenia and the world (National project)

EU MENU Slovenia – Support to National Dietary Surveys in Compliance with the EU Menu methodology – fourth support (National project)

The influence of differently filled glycogen stores on the hydration status (and body composition) of athletes (National project)


J4-7608 Control of contamination of poultry meat with campylobacters in slaughterhouse (Basic project ARRS)

V5-1507: Nursing as a scientific discipline in Slovenia: An internationally comparable secondary and tertiary education system in nursing care as the foundation of research and scientific contribution to the sustainable development of society (CRP project)

Z2-7257 Postdoc project ARRS – Development of algorithms for antimicrobial drug discovery and reduction of antimicrobial resistance

J7-9743 The impact of health care on the quality of life of elderly people: The influence of incontinence and impaired mobility on functionary of elderly people (Basic project ARRS)

J5-4281 »RAZKORAK« Longitudinal study in competence potential of university graduates and a gap between graduates’ competences and labour market requirements in technology, education and health (Basic project ARRS)

J1-6734 Lightweight alloys based on aluminium as materials with increasing potential in transport industry (Basic project ARRS)

M1-0151 Molecular detection of the consequences of the effects of biological weapon and toxins with long-term activity (CRP project)

Bilateral project ARRS SLO-USA: Motor control study of selected work tasks with the aim to develop ergonomic and kinesiological measures in case of low back pain

Bilateral project ARRS SLO-SRB: Innovative fermentation of cereals and pseudocereals for functional bakery products

Bilateral project ARRS SLO-SRB: Effects of accelerated growth in children and of ageing in elderly on kinesthetic sense – the importance for functional movement

J3-2277 Combination of Electrogene Immune Therapy with Interleukin-12 and Irradition for Treatment of Experimental Tumors (Basic project ARRS)

J3-6796 Translational oncology: development and validation of immunogene therapy with Interleukin-12 combined with surgery for canine cancers of the oral cavity and skin (Basic project ARRS)

J3-4211 Antiangiogenic gene therapy of cancer using electroporation and magnetic nanoparticles as targeted delivery systems (Basic project ARRS)

J3-4259 Preparation and validation of therapeutic plasmids without selection gene for antibiotic resistance for cancer gene therapy using inducible and tissue-specific promoters (Basic project ARRS)

J3-8209 Bilirubin as a protective factor against the development of chronic degenerative diseases: serum biomarker and pharmacological modulation (Basic project ARRS)

Implementation Of Nurse Professional Competence Scale in Nursing profession in Croatia and Slovenia (Bilateral project SLO-CRO)

DeMoPhaC: Development of a model for nurses’ role in interprofessional pharmaceutical care” (ERASMUS+)

SURFUNCTI Controlled surface structuring and surface functionalisation af advanced biomedical titanium alloys for orthopaedic implants (MNT-ERA.NET II)

INTEGRA: Cross border network for migrant women : sexual and reproductive health and social integration (INTERREG SLO-ITA 2014-2020)

CO.N.S.E.N.SO: »COmmunity Nurse Supporting Elderly iN a changing SOciety« (Model of care for elderly in Alpinespace)

EP4Bio2Med European network for development of electroporation-based technologies and treatments – Acronym (COST action)

PKP: LEPA – Designing a model for promoting sustainable development of physical activities in the local environment

PKP: GLINDEX – Development and testing of new products with suitable glycemic index for patients with diabetes

ŠIPK: GibKoP – Holistic approaches to active and healthy aging: Moving and cognitive activity and nutrition

ŠIPK: FUNKCIONAL – The possibility of using useful discards of food and waste of primary processing for the preparation of functional foods

ŠIPK: PREDEL – Interdisciplinary care for occupational health in micro and small companies in Littoral region