Each candidate who submits the Bridging Course Application Form will be considered individually on the basis of their completed undergraduate studies. The candidates can read the instructions for completing the bridging exams here

Bridge exams are divided into 3 categories, namely: a) Basic Courses, b) Courses on the Basics of Physical Training, c) Sports-Specific Courses.

Bridging exams do not need to be completed by those candidates who have completed the undergraduate study programme Kinesiology (candidates enrolled in the study year 2019/2020 or later) at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, or the undergraduate study programme Physical Education at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport.

Those candidates who have completed the study programme Kinesiology at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, enrolling before the study year 2019/2020, need to complete the bridging course Gymnastics.

Other candidates are required to complete the bridging exams decided/prescribed by the Faculty’s Commission for Study Affairs. The Commission reviews the study requirements that have already been completed by the candidate during their previous study. Bridging exams are divided into 4 categories, namely: a) Basic Subjects, b) Subjects in the Basics of Exercise and Sports Training, c) Sport-Specific Subjects, d) Subjects in Didactics.

a) Basic Courses:

Anatomy (6 ECTS)

Course holder: Full Prof. Dr. Dean Ravnik

  • Study literature: Ravnik, D., Kocjan, A. Funkcionalna anatomija za študente Aplikativne kineziologije. Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2018.
  • The exam dates are published in the VIS system. For further information, please contact the Faculty Student Office: Instructions on how to apply for the exam can be read on the Faculty’s website:

Physiology (6 ECTS)

Course holder: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihaela Jurdana

Students who take a bridge exam in Physiology must complete the following obligations:

  • The prerequisite for taking the exam is an oral presentation of a seminar paper. As regards the topic of your seminar paper and presentation date, please contact Asst. Prof. Ano Petelin at e-mail:
  • Study materials: Jurdana, Mihaela. Fiziologija: učbenik za študente zdravstvenih ved. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2020.
  • After you successfully present your seminar paper, you can register for the exam. The exam dates are published in the VIS system. For further information, please contact the Faculty Student Office: Instructions on how to apply for the exam can be read on the Faculty’s website:

    b) Courses on the Basics of Physical Training:

    Strength and Conditioning Basics (3 ECTS)

    Course holder: Asst. Prof. Dr. Jernej Rošker

    • The prerequisite for taking the exam is to pass the theoretical pre-examination on the subject of training methods, strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and movement coordination.
    • Study materials: Handouts; 1. Škof, B. (2016). Šport po meri otrok in mladostnikov, Fakulteta za šport, Ljubljana., 2. Ušaj, A. (2012). Temelji športne vadbe, Fakulteta za šport, Ljubljana., 3. Zatsiorsky, V., and Kraemer, W. (2006). Science and Practice of Strength Training (2nd edition). Human Kinetics, Champaigne.
    • After you successfully pass the pre-examination, you can register for the exam. The exam dates are published in the VIS system. For further information, please contact the Faculty Student Office: Instructions on how to apply for the exam can be read on the Faculty’s website:

    The Basics of Motion Analysis (3 ECTS)

    Course holder: Full Prof. Dr. Nejc Šarabon

    • The prerequisite for taking the exam is to pass the practical pre-examination on the following contents: motor skills testing (agility, endurance, strength, power, speed, hitrost, flexibility, balance), fitness tests for the elderly and the basics of clinical examination (the basics of posture examination, joint flexibility). The pre-examination requires the student to demonstrate their skills in carrying out fitness tests, where the emphasis is put on communication and the provision of appropriate instructions to participants.
    • Study materials: 1. Kozinc, Ž., Šarabon, N. (2021). Osnove analize gibanja (the textbook is in preparation and will be available from summer 2021). Založba Univerze na Primorskem. 2. Jakovljević, M., Hlebš, S. (1993). Meritve gibljivosti sklepov ter dolžin in obsegov udov. Ljubljana. 3. Knudson, D.V., Morrison, C.S. (2002). Qualitative analysis of human movement (2nd edition). Champain Il: Human Kinetics. 4. ACSM (2014). ACSM` s guidelines for exercises testing and prescription (9th edition). Philadelphia: Walters Kluwer Health. 5. Heyward, V.H. (2010). Advanced fitness assessment and exercise prescription (6th edition). Champain Il: Human Kinetics.
    • After you successfully pass the pre-examination, you can register for the exam. The exam dates are published in the VIS system. For further information, please contact the Faculty Student Office: Instructions on how to apply for the exam can be read on the Faculty’s website:

    Basic Motorics (3 ECTS)

    Course holder: Asst. Prof. Dr. Jernej Rošker

    • The prerequisite for taking the exam is to pass the theoretical-practical pre-examination, which tests the student’s knowledge of the basic terminology on positions and basic movements of the human body, planes and axes of movement, elementary/natural forms of movement, gymnastic exercises and elementary games.
    • Study materials: Handouts; 1. Pistotnik, B. (2008). Gibalna abeceda. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport., 2. Pistotnik, B. (2011). Osnove gibanja v športu. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport., 3. Škof, B. (2016). Šport po meri otrok in mladostnikov. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport.
    • After you successfully pass the pre-examination, you can register for the exam. The exam dates are published in the VIS system. For further information, please, contact the Faculty Student Office: Instructions on how to apply for the exam can be read on the Faculty’s website:

     c) Sports-Specific Courses:

    Gymnastics (3 ECTS)

    Course holder: Full Prof. Dr. Nejc Šarabon

    • The prerequisite for taking the exam is to pass the pre-examination on the following contents: WOMEN:any composition with the basic elements on the floor, balance beam, uneven bars and vault. MEN: any composition with the basic elements on the floor, parallel bars, horizontal bar and vault+.
    • Study materials: 1. Novak, D., Kovač, M., Čuk, I. (2008). Gimnastična abeceda. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport., 2. Čuk, I., Bučar Pajek, M., Bolkovič. T., Jakše B., Bricelj, A. (2017). Športna gimnastika z ritmično izraznostjo. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport.
    • After you successfully pass the pre-examination in women’s/men’s gymnastics, you can register for the exam. The exam dates are published in the VIS system. For further information, please, contact the Faculty Student Office: Instructions on how to apply for the exam can be read on the Faculty’s website:

    Track and Field (3 ECST)

    Course holder: Asst. Prof. Dr. Jernej Rošker

    • The prerequisite for taking the exam is to successfully demonstrate 10 selected track and field elements (all elements of the runner’s alphabet, low start and sprint running, high jump with the overstepping technique, long jump with the elementary technique, the shot put with the glide technique, and a ball throw with a 10 step run up).
    • Study materials: Handouts; 1. Čoh, M. (2002) Atletika. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport., 2. Emberšič, D. (2003). Atletika – meti: tehnika in metodika, Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport, Ljubljana., 3. Škof, B, Tomažin, K, Dolenc, A, Marcina, P, Čoh, M, Pori, M. (2006). Atletski praktikum : didaktični vidiki poučevanja osnovnih atletskih disciplin. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za kineziologijo.
    • After you successfully pass the pre-examination, you can register for the exam. The exam dates are published in the VIS system. For further information, please, contact the Faculty Student Office: Instructions on how to apply for the exam can be read on the Faculty’s website:

    Swimming and Water Rescue Basics (3 ECTS)

    Course holder: Asst. Prof. Dr. Matej Plevnik

    • The prerequisite for taking the exam is to pass the practical pre-examination: (1) demonstrating mastery of the three basic swimming techniques, swimming for 50 metres with starts and turns, (2) swimming a 200-metre freestyle in under 5 minutes, and (3) swimming 25 metres underwater.
    • Study materials: 1. Kapus et al. (2011). Plavanje: učenje: slovenska šola plavanja za novo tisočletje: učbenik za učence-študente, učitelje-profesorje, trenerje in starše. 2. Kapus et al. (2004). Reševanje iz vode, aktivna varnost in prva pomoč: slovenska šola reševanja iz vode.
    • After you successfully pass the pre-examination, you can register for the exam. The exam dates are published in the VIS system. For further information, please, contact the Faculty Student Office: Instructions on how to apply for the exam can be read on the Faculty’s website:

      d) Subjects in Didactics:

      Didactics, pedagogy and andragogy

      1. Course holder:  Prof. Matej Plevnik, PhD
      2. Study literature: 1.) Ivanuš Grmek, M. and Javornik Krečič, M. (2011). Osnove didaktike. Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Pedagoška fakulteta., 2.) Marentič Požarnik, B. (2016). Psihologija učenja in pouka: temeljna spoznanja in primeri iz prakse., Ljubljana: DZS., 3) Pišot, R. and Jelovčan, G. (2012). Vsebine gibalne/športne vzgoje v predšolskem obdobju. Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Univerzitetna založba Annales., 4.) Škof, B. (ur.) (2007). Šport po meri otrok in mladostnikov (pp. 26-133). Ljubljana: Inštitut za kineziologijo, Fakulteta za šport., 5.) Govekar-Okoliš M. and Ličen N. (2008). Poglavja iz andragogike. Filozofska fakulteta, Ljubljana.
      3. The information on the exam dates is accessible in the VIS system. For further information, please contact the Faculty’s Student Office: Instructions on how to apply for the exam can be read on the Faculty’s website:

      The Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Primorska (UP FVZ) has accredited the second cycle Master’s study programme Physical Education with the aim of educating Physical Education teachers who will be able, with the acquired knowledge and skills, to work in the field of teaching sport and physical education on all levels of the educational process.

      The basic goal of the programme is educating a Physical Education teacher as an independent professional who will be able to plan, implement and evaluate the process of sport and physical education, on their own or within a team, on all levels of the education process, on the basis of the knowledge and skills gained during their studies. The field of physical education is not limited to conducting sport and physical education classes in the framework of the school subject, but also includes: promotion of health and healthy lifestyle, counselling children and young people on improving the level of their psychophysical abilities and general physical fitness, cooperation with parents, introducing contemporary guidance material into direct pedagogical work, participation in the discipline’s development, scientific and research work in the field, and the implementation of the sport education policy at the local, national and international levels.

      A physical education teacher can also be employed in: the school system, sports organisations and clubs, sports and recreational facilities, tourism, some spas providing sports rehabilitation services, the media (as external staff covering sports), and in private sports institutions.

      Admission requirements include previously acquired education and 3 to 36 ECTS worth of  possible additional competencies that have to be gained by the candidate depending on the field of their previously completed study programme. Before enrolment, candidates have to pass the minimum physical ability test and present a medical certificate of fitness for the job duties of an educational professional, which is issued by an occupational medicine clinic.

      Study programme Physical Education extends over two years and comprises 120 ECTS, in compliance with the European guidelines. Students complete 19 compulsory courses, elective courses, teaching practice in the extent of 15 ECTS points and the final written assignment (writing and an oral defense of a Master’s thesis) in the extent of 15 ECTS points.

      The study programme has elective courses in the extent of 12 ECTS, of which 6 ECTS in the first and second year. Within the elective courses, the student must choose at least 6 ECTS from among the internal elective courses of the study programme, at least 3 ECTS in the current year.

      More about the study program

      The Basic Goals of the Study Programme:

      The main objective of the programme is to educate a physical education teacher as an independent professional capable of using their acquired knowledge when working independently or as part of a team in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the physical education process at all levels of the educational process.

      Besides the fundamental course-specific professional knowledge determined by the content of the educational programmes’ syllabi, a physical education teacher will acquire the fundamental pedagogical, psychological, and didactic knowledge necessary for efficient teaching and work in the education system. Such a professional will be aware of their professional identity; after the conclusion of their Master’s studies, they will opt for employment in the field of their professional qualification or for the continuation of their education by enrolling in third cycle studies.

      The purpose of the study programme is also to encourage Master’s graduates to strive toward constant lifelong learning, professional upskilling and training, as well as toward critically introducing new professional and scientific findings from the interdisciplinary field of education and teaching, the didactics of physical education, kinesiology, the theory of sports and training, and healthcare into everyday practice in the framework of educational processes and programmes.

      The graduate shall acquire the following general competences:

      1. the ability to use the basic principles and procedures of planning, implementation and evaluation for tackling the challenges of the teaching process in practice when teaching by considering the characteristics of developmental psychology;
      2. information literacy and the ability to adapt the methods of knowledge transfer;
      3. the ability to act autonomously in the field of the management and organisation of educational and professional programmes;
      4. the ability to develop new knowledge and care for their own professional development and learning;
      5. the ability to master organisational and administrative tasks in relation to the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the teaching process and following the legislation;
      6. the ability and the skill to communicate, especially with children, their parents and other stakeholders in the pedagogical process, including in a foreign language;
      7. the ability to conduct professional autonomous work and team work, including research work, at the national and international levels, in the field of physical education and related interdisciplinary sciences;
      8. the ability to co-operate with others in the working and social environments, and respect for individual and intercultural specificities;
      9. commitment to ethics and a developed sense of professionalism;
      10. general managerial and mentorship abilities.

      Course-specific competences are the following:

      1. awareness of the significance of the anthropological background of the physical activity of children and adolescents;
      2. mastering the basic principles and procedures involved in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the physical education process;
      3. knowing the principles of general didactics of the physical education process and the didactics of individual sports;
      4. qualification for cross-curricular and interdisciplinary work;
      5. consideration of the developmental characteristics and individual differences among students when encouraging physical development and the development of motor skills;
      6. ability to establish an optimal teaching environment by using different teaching methods and organisational strategies which build an encouraging environment for the implementation of physical education contents;
      7. identifying students with special needs (including talented students) and adapting to their specificities in co-operation with other teachers and professional services;
      8. ability to check and assess the students’ motor skills and knowledge as part of the Physical Education course, and preparing feedback and recommendations;
      9. qualification for following the physical development and the development of motor skills of children and adolescents;
      10. qualification for participating in developmental research projects intended for the improvement of the educational process;
      11. methodological qualification for research work in pedagogical fields (collecting, processing and interpreting data);
      12. awareness of the significance of lifelong learning and ongoing education, and care for one’s own personal and professional growth and development.

      The field of physical education is not limited to managing school lessons in sports and physical education alone, but also includes: the promotion of health and a healthy lifestyle, advising children and young people on how to improve the level of their mental and physical abilities and general physical capabilities, co-operating with parents, including modern guidelines in direct pedagogical work, participating in the development of the discipline, scientific and research work in this field, and implementing school policy at the local, national, and international levels.



      Master of Teaching Physical Education


      The following candidates can enrol in the 1st year of the study programme:

      1. those who have completed the 1st cycle study programme Kinesiology (Slov. Aplikativna kineziologija), enrolling in the study year 2019/2020 or later;
      2. those who have completed the 1st cycle study programme Kinesiology (Slov. Aplikativna kineziologija), enrolling before the study year 2019/2020, and have completed the subject Gymnastics;
      3. those who have completed the 1st cycle study programme Physical Education or the study programme Physical Education adopted before 11 June 2004;
      4. those who have completed a 1st cycle study programme (worth 180 ECTS credits) in a pedagogical field or other fields, and have completed the missing study obligations that are crucial for the continuation of the studies in the range of up to 60 ECTS credits, with the aim that the student acquires the missing competences determined by the competent committee at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences;
      5. those who have completed a comparable study programme abroad, and have been, according to the Assessment and Recognition of Education Act, granted, in the procedure for the recognition of foreign education, the right to continuing education in a Master’s study programme Physical Education.

      IN CASE OF RESTRICTED ENROLMENT, candidates will be selected according to the average grade of their undergraduate study (the grade of the final undergraduate thesis is also included in this average).

      Selected candidates will be required to submit a medical certificate of medical fitness to perform the work and tasks of an educational professional, issued by the occupational medicine dispensary (referral for preliminary medical examination, DZS form 8.203). Due to the specific conditions and limitations in the implementation of practical work and exercises during the study, it is required that the student’s physical and mental condition is appropriate. In case of doubt, the competent committee shall decide.

      Individual applications for enrolment of candidates referred to in Items B and C of Paragraph I are discussed by the competent committee of UP FHS. The candidate may fulfil additional study obligations while studying in the 1st cycle in advanced training programmes or by passing the exams prior to enrolling in the Master’s Degree study programme.

      The Commission reserves the right to choose the form of implementation depending on the number of candidates in each course: a) as a condensed form at the weekend or b) the candidate may join the full-time or part-time 1st cycle study of Applied Kinesiology at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Primorska.

      Instructions to candidates on how to take bridge exams can be found HERE.




      A student may advance to next year if they have acquired at least 48 ECTS during the current academic year.

      No student is allowed to repeat an academic year more than once during their studies as a result of failure to complete the obligations determined by the study programme. If the student repeats a year, they cannot have a graduate year, and lose their student status after the end of the 2nd year.


      The planned learning outcomes of the study programme Physical Education are in accordance with the required competences of the physical education teacher profession in primary and secondary schools.

      A physical education teacher can also be employed in: the school system, sports organisations and clubs, sports and recreational facilities, tourism, some spas providing sports rehabilitation services, the media (as external staff covering sports), and in private sports institutions.

      We justify the demand for physical education teachers with a review of international employment trends, based on data models.

