Didactics of ball games (basketball, football, handball, volleyball)


Subject carrier


1. The history of sport
a. The history of ball games
aa. The history of basketball
ab. The history of football
ac. The history of handball
ad. The history of volleyball

2. Ball games in the first educational period
a. Methods of dribbling, carrying, transferring, and otherwise manipulating different balls with certain body parts or accessories
b. Methods for teaching aiming and striking
c. Methods of catching and passing
d. Relay games with different balls
e. Elementary and small team games
f. Rules of different ball games and basic associated concepts and terms

3. Ball games in the second educational period
a. Basketball in second educational period
aa. Methods for teaching ball control and associated movements
bb. Methods of pivoting (turning with the ball)
cc. Methods of catching and passing
dd. Methods of free throws and throws during the game
ee. Tactics of basketball with basic elements of the game
ff. Variations of basketball games 1:1, 2:2, 3:3
gg. Theoretical concepts, related to tactics and technique in basketball
b. Volleyball in the second educational period
aa. Methods for teaching upper and lower pass and the underhand serve technique
bb. Relay games and different ball games
cc. Games using rope, simulating volleyball
dd. Theoretical concepts, related to tactics and technique in volleyball
c. Handball in the second educational period
aa. Methods of catching and ball control
bb. Methods of elbow pass and overhead pass
cc. Methods of teaching defending and attacking techniques
dd. Elementary and relay games with the elements of handball
ee. Small handball variations 1+3 in 1+4 z with different defence approaches
ff. Theoretical concepts, related to tactics and technique in handball
d. Football in the second educational period
aa. Methods of attacking and deceiving opponents without the ball
bb. Methods of passing, give-and- go, dribbling and striking
cc. Elementary and relay games with basic elements of football
dd. Methods of defensive play and movements
ee. Methods of inter-player cooperation
gg. Simple variations of football game 1:1, 2:2, 3:3 etc.
ff. Theoretical concepts, related to tactics and technique in football

4. Ball games in third educational period
a. Basketball
aa. Basic tactical and technical elements (ball control, stopping, pivoting, passing, catching, throwing, defending)
bb. Methods of special tactics, such as player crossing and deceiving techniques
cc. Setting up attacks, based on three or four players
dd. Methods of positioning and movement during opening referee throw or during free throws
ee. Methods of ball transfer 3:0, 4:0
ff. counterattacking 3:0
gg. Methods of movement of centre players (finding shot opportunities, crating space for shots) and setting up the attack with four players and one centre
hh. One basket game 3:3 with passive defence, 4:4 two-basket game, 4:4 two basket game with centres
ii. Theoretical content, related to basketball rules and related terminology, techniques and tactic in basketball
b. Volleyball
aa. Methods of upper and lower pass, net play, serving and striking, blocking the attacks
bb. Variations of volleyball 2:2, 3:3 etc., using different court sizes
cc. Theoretical content, related to volleyball rules and related terminology, techniques and tactic in basketball
c. Handball
aa. Methods of basic elements of the handball (passes, shots, catching, picking up, creating space, defending the opponents with and without the ball)
b. Methods of different passes, jump shots, 2:1 counter-attacks, and other basic group technical and tactical elements of attacking zone defence
cc. Methods of 1-1 defence and zone defence
dd. Theoretical content, related to handball rules and related terminology, techniques and tactic in basketball
d. Football
aa. Methods for creating space, deceiving opponents and jumping without a ball and
bb. Methods for ball control, dribbling, deceiving, passing, receiving and striking the ball
cc. Group tactics: group tactics for 2 or three players (double pass, back pass, diagonal opening, opening behind the back, pass on third player). Methods of creating space and attacking in 3:1, 2:1, 3:2 games and double passing
dd. 2:2 game in restricted space, 4:4 game using two small gates, and using 1:1 or zone defence
ee. Theoretical content, related to football rules and related terminology, techniques and tactic in basketball
ff. Work model: planning and curriculum
gg. Performing technical and tactical training with young soccer players

5. Sport games in high schools
a. Basketball
aa. Passing and catching in different situations during gameplay
bb. Ball control, stopping, pivoting, creating space, crossing, running-in
cc. Throws
dd. Playing 3:3 using one basket, playing 5:5 using two basket and different variations of defence
cc. Theoretical contents related to tactics, technique and refereeing
b. Volleyball
aa. Different strikes and passes
bb. Upper hand and lower hand serve
cc. Defending the serve
dd. Attacking strikes
ee. Single and double blocking
ff. Faking and deceiving combinations
gg. Theoretical contents related to tactics, technique and refereeing
c. Handball
aa. Passing, ball control, catching and picking up the ball
bb. Striking at the goal
cc. Defending the opponents attack, basics of 1:1 and zone defence approaches
dd. Playing with deep zone positioning and zone defence 6:0
ee. Theoretical contents related to tactics, technique and refereeing
d. Football
aa. Passing and receiving the ball, control of the ball
bb. Striking at the goal
cc. Technique of defence and tackling
dd. Different games to improve technical and tactical skills
ff. Theoretical contents related to tactics, technique and refereeing
