Management of sport programs for children and youth


Subject carrier


1. Definition of contents of sports interest programs
a. The placement of sports interest programs in the school system
b. Importance of implementing sports interest programs
c. Objectives of sports interest programs
d. Possibilities of additional sports offer at school
e. Financing of additional sports offer
f. Project Calls and Conditions

2. Project planning, management and project management in a school setting
a. Sports life in school
b. Connecting to the environment (societies, clubs, parents, health care organizations)
c. School Sports Association

3. Implementation of sports content projects
a. Activities at the Centers for Ourdoor School Activities
b. Sports Day
c. Outdoor School
d. Conducting a swimming course
e. School sports competitions
f. Sports events (eg school day)
g. Motor / sports activities in other projects

4. Interest programs for sport of children and youth
a. Small and golden sun
b. Krpan
c. Let’s learn how to swim
d. Hurray, free time
e. Healthy lifestyle
f. Youth for young people

5. Promoting a healthy lifestyle

6. International cooperation and programs (Erasmus + Sport, Cmepius programs, International camps and competitions…)
