Functional foods

ŠPORIN, Monika, AVBELJ, Martina, KOVAČ, Boris, SMOLE MOŽINA, Sonja. Quality characteristics of wheat flour dough and bread containing grape pomace flour. Food science and technology international, ISSN 1082-0132, 2018, vol. 24, no. 3, str. 251-263, ilustr., doi: 10.1177/1082013217745398.

PETELIN, Ana, KENIG, Saša, KOPINČ, Rok, DEŽELAK, Matjaž, ČERNELIČ BIZJAK, Maša, JENKO PRAŽNIKAR, Zala. Effects of royal jelly administration on lipid profile, satiety, inflammation, and antioxidant capacity in asymptomatic overweight adults. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine, ISSN 1741-427X, 2019, vol. 2019, str. 1-11, ilustr., doi: 10.1155/2019/4969720.

KENIG, Saša, BARUCA ARBEITER, Alenka, MOHORKO, Nina, BIZJAK, Mojca, ČERNELIČ BIZJAK, Maša, BANDELJ, Dunja, JENKO PRAŽNIKAR, Zala, PETELIN, Ana. Moderate but not high daily intake of chili pepper sauce improves serum glucose and cholesterol levels. Journal of functional foods, ISSN 1756-4646. [Print ed.], 2018, vol. 10, iss. 44, str. 209-217, ilustr., doi: 10.1016/j.jff.2018.03.014.

MIŠAN, Aleksandra, PETELIN, Ana, BIZJAK, Mojca, JAKUS, Tadeja, JENKO PRAŽNIKAR, Zala, et al. Buckwheat – enriched instant porridge improves lipid profile and reduces inflammation in participants with mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia. Journal of functional foods, ISSN 1756-4646. [Print ed.], 2017, vol.36, št.6, str. 186-194, ilustr.

DI GIROLAMO, Filippo Giorgio, MAZZUCCO, Sara, SITULIN, Roberta, MOHORKO, Nina, JENKO PRAŽNIKAR, Zala, PETELIN, Ana, TENCE, Marcello, PIŠOT, Rado, NAVARINI, Luciano, BIOLO, Gianni. Roasting intensity of naturally low-caffeine Laurina coffee modulates glucose metabolism and redox balance in humans. Nutrition, ISSN 0899-9007. [Print ed.], 2016, vol. 32, iss. 9, str. 928-936, tabele, graf. prikazi., doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2016.02.001.

BEZEK, Katja, KURINČIČ, Marija, KNAUDER, Elvira, KLANČNIK, Anja, RASPOR, Peter, BUCAR, Franz, SMOLE MOŽINA, Sonja. Attenuation of adhesion, biofilm formation and quorum sensing of Campylobacter jejuni by Euodia ruticarpa. Phytotherapy research, ISSN 0951-418X, Sep. 2016, vol. 30, iss. 9, str. 1527-1532, ilustr., doi: 10.1002/ptr.5658.

KENIG, Saša, KRAMBERGER, Katja, PETELIN, Ana, BANDELJ, Dunja, BARUCA ARBEITER, Alenka, MIKLAVČIČ VIŠ-NJEVEC, Ana, PEETERS, Kelly, MOHORKO, Nina, ŠIK NOVAK, Karin, JENKO PRAŽNIKAR, Zala. Helichrysum italicum ssp. italicum infusion promotes fat oxidation in hepatocytes and stimulates energy expenditure and fat oxidati-on after acute ingestion in humans: a pilot study. Plants, ISSN 2223-7747, 2021, vol. 10, iss. 8, str. 1-15, ilus-tr. DOI: 10.3390/plants10081516. [COBISS.SI-ID 71614723]

KENIG, Saša, KRAMBERGER, Katja, ŠIK NOVAK, Karin, KARNJUŠ, Igor, BANDELJ, Dunja, PETELIN, Ana, JENKO PRAŽNIKAR, Zala. Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don and Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench infusions in reversing the traits of meta-bolic syndrome: a double-blind randomized comparative trial. Food & function: linking the chemistry and physics of food with health and nutrition. 2022, vol. 12, str. 18412-18424, ilustr. ISSN 2042-6496.!divRelatedContent,, DOI: 10.1039/d2fo00880g. [COBISS.SI-ID 112804611]

KRAMBERGER, Katja, BARLIČ-MAGANJA, Darja, JENKO PRAŽNIKAR, Zala, REŽEN, Tadeja, ROZMAN, Damjana, PRAŽNIKAR, Jure, KENIG, Saša, et al. Whole transcriptome expression array analysis of human colon fibroblasts culture treated with He-lichrysum italicum supports its use in traditional medicine. Journal of ethnopharmacology. [Print ed.]. 2022, letn. 296, št. 3, str. 1-10, ilustr. ISSN 0378-8741. DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2022.115505. [COBISS.SI-ID 113401603]

PETELIN, Ana, ŠIK NOVAK, Karin, HLADNIK, Matjaž, BANDELJ, Dunja, BARUCA ARBEITER, Alenka, KRAMBERGER, Katja, KENIG, Saša, JENKO PRAŽNIKAR, Zala, et al. Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don and Helicrysum arenarium (L.) moench infusion consumption affects the inflammatory status and the composition of human gut microbiota in patients with traits of metabolic syndrome : a randomized comparative study. Foods. 2022, vol. 11, št. 20, str. 1-17, ilustr. ISSN 2304-8158., DOI: 10.3390/foods11203277. [COBISS.SI-ID 126490627]

POREDOŠ, David, JENKO PRAŽNIKAR, Zala, KOZINC, Žiga. Acute effects of beetroot juice supplementation on iso-metric muscle strength, rate of torque development and isometric endurance in young adult men and women: a randomized, double-blind, controlled cross-over pilot study. Nutrients. 2022, vol. 14, iss. 22, str. 1-13, iiustr. ISSN 2072-6643., DOI: 10.3390/nu14224759. [COBISS.SI-ID 128874243]

GUINÉ, Raquel Pinho Ferreira, ČERNELIČ BIZJAK, Maša, et al. Are comsumers aware of sustainability aspects rela-ted to edible insects? : results from a study involving 14 countries. Sustainability. 2022, vol. 14, iss. 2, str. 1-18, ilustr. ISSN 2071-1050., DOI: 10.3390/su142114125. [COBISS.SI-ID 128560643]

The head of the dietary laboratory is Assist. Prof. Mojca Stubelj.

Dietetic laboratory equipment
Indirect Calorimeter Medgem For measurement of Resting Energy Expenditure (REE).
Indirect Calorimeter RMR Quark For accurate measurement of Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) and respiratory ratio (R), through the measurement of oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2).
Tanita MC-980 MA analyser For body composition results using bio-electrical impedance analysis (BIA) technology: body weight, muscle mass, fat mass, bone mass, lean body mass, total body.  For body composition results using bio-electrical impedance analysis (BIA) technology: body weight, muscle mass, fat mass, bone mass, lean body mass, total body.
Metal skinfold caliper For assessment of the skinfold thickness, and prediction of percentage of body fat.
Software PRODI 5.8 EXPERT For energy and nutrient intake calculation, and menu planning.
Portable Density Meter Enables evaluation of key chemical composition parameters such as soluble solids in foods, fruit quality, fruit juices, diet formulas and products for patients with dysphagia


The head of the biochemical laboratory is Assist. Prof. Ana Petelin, Head of the Microbiological Laboratory, Assist. Katja Bezek.

Equipment of the biochemical and microbiological laboratory
Biochemistry analyzer Biochemistry analyser offers consolidated testing from a broad menu of clinical chemistry applications. This analyzer has the capacity for ion-selective electrode (ISE) determination of sodium, potassium, and chloride in serum, plasma, and urine. In addition, measurement of triacylglycerol’s, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, glucose, bilirubin, and different enzymes can be performed.
Reflotron Reflotron, an immediate clinical chemistry system which allows the measurement of different parameters from whole blood, plasma or serum.
Photochem Photochem, an antioxidant analyzer, allows the analysis of the antioxidative capacity of water-soluble or lipid-soluble substances with the PCL method.
Spectrophotometer Tecan The Spectofotometer Tecan  a multimode plate reader, enables determination by ELISA method and implementation of many other colorimetric methods.
Refrigerated centrifuge Instrument ideal for centrifugation of samples that may be also temperature sensitive. Many feature interchangeable rotors and adaptors to accommodate a wide range of sample volumes and speeds.
Fluorimeter Optical density measurement or fluorescence for the determination of plant bacteria in a cell.
Incubator CO2 Enable cultivation and Incubation of cell cultures in the appropriate atmosphereEnable cultivation and Incubation of cell cultures in the appropriate atmosphereLaminar flow hoods for cell cultures A carefully enclosed bench designed for creating aseptic environment in laboratory conditions when working with cells.
Laminar flow hoods for bacteria A carefully enclosed bench designed for creating aseptic environment in laboratory conditions when working with bacteria.
Microfluidic system for cells Microfluidic Perfusion System delivers microenvironment control for live cell imaging experiments.
Mikropretočni sistem Spremljanje bakterij ali celic pod kontroliranimi pogoji, raziskovanje različnih vplivov na razmnoževane mikroorganizmov
Fluorescentni mikroskop Olympus s pripadajočo kamero za opazovanje in snemanje Opazovanje mikrobioloških in celičnih preparatov obarvanih z različnimi flour. barvili, imunoflourescenčne metode za določanje viabilnosti, apoptoze…
Inverted Olympus IX51 microscope microscope equipped with the most common fluorescent filters. It enables observation of microbial and cell preparations stained with different dyes.
Sistem za elektroforezo Elektroforeza, omogoča ločevanje in določanje pomnoženih delov DNA, omogoča določanje prisotnosti in količine proteinov
Real time PCR A technique used to monitor the progress of a PCR reaction in real time. At the same time, a relatively small amount of PCR product (DNA, cDNA or RNA) can be quantified.
Multiskan Sky Microplate Spectrophotometer A UV/Vis microplate reader designed to be convenient and easy to use for virtually any photometric research application, especially DNA, RNA and protein analysis
Abbott i-stat Alinity Enables measurements of pH, gasses, Haematocrit, Haemoglobin, certain electrolytes and other markers in arterial or venous whole blood
iBlot 2 Gel Transfer Device Is a dry transfer device that performs western blotting transfer efficiently and reliably, within seven minutes, and without the need for liquid buffers. The iBlot 2 system is compatible with both polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) and nitrocellulose membranes and has comparable performance to traditional wet-transfer methods in a fraction of the time. The iBlot 2 Gel Transfer Device is an integral part of the iBlot 2 Dry Blotting System, which consists of the transfer device and consumable transfer stacks that contain the required buffers and transfer membrane (nitrocellulose or PVDF).
Flask-trap aspirator FTA 2-i Aspirator with trap flask FTA-2i is designed for aspiration or removal of liquid from reaction vessels
Homogenizer for the preparation of food samples BagMixer® 400 P is an easy-to-use and powerful lab blender. Adapted to all kinds of applications and with a guarantee of optimal bacterial extraction or e.g. preparing the food sample for further physical and chemical analysis


MOJ IZZIV III Interdisciplinarni pristop pri obravnavi prekomerno hranjenih otrok in mladostnikov s poudarkom na dvigu zdravstvene pismenosti cele družine

BI-RS/23-25-039 Sustainable food for healthy future

Influence of nutrition and functional food on health parameters (Internal research program).

Influence of nutrition and functional food on health parameters (Internal research program).

EISuFood: Study about food habits and knowledge about edible insects as sustainable foods (International project)

EISuFood: Study about food habits and knowledge about edible insects as sustainable foods (International project)

VALCER Waste recovery: potential of using the cherry core (EU PROJ/IPV/ID&I/00)

VALCER Waste recovery: potential of using the cherry core (EU PROJ/IPV/ID&I/00)



Bilateral project ARRS SLO-SRB: Innovative fermentation of cereals and pseudocereals for functional bakery products

Bilateral project ARRS SLO-SRB: Innovative fermentation of cereals and pseudocereals for functional bakery products

Bilateral project ARRS SLO-SRB: New dietary food product for physically active people

Bilateral project ARRS SLO-SRB: New dietary food product for physically active people

J3-8209 Bilirubin as a protective factor against the development of chronic degenerative diseases: serum biomarker and pharmacological modulation (Basic project ARRS)

J3-8209 Bilirubin as a protective factor against the development of chronic degenerative diseases: serum biomarker and pharmacological modulation (Basic project ARRS)

I0-0035 – Infrastructure group of University of Primorska

I0-0035 – Infrastructure group of University of Primorska

P4-0092 – Animal Health, Environment and Food Safety

P4-0092 – Animal Health, Environment and Food Safety

P1-0386 – Conservation biology, from molecules to ecosystem

P1-0386 – Conservation biology, from molecules to ecosystem



TRAFOON – Traditional Food Network to improve the transfer of knowledge for innovation (EU 7th Framework Programme)

TRAFOON – Traditional Food Network to improve the transfer of knowledge for innovation (EU 7th Framework Programme)

PKP: SMOOTHIE – Smoothie for health

PKP: SMOOTHIE – Smoothie for health

PKP: KREPKO – Influence of kefir consumption on metabolic syndrome indicators

PKP: KREPKO – Influence of kefir consumption on metabolic syndrome indicators

PKP: MEDEX – The effects of royal jelly on systemic inflammation

PKP: MEDEX – The effects of royal jelly on systemic inflammation

PKP: ČILI – Chili analysis

PKP: ČILI – Chili analysis

ŠIPK: FUNKCIONAL – The possibility of using useful discards of food and waste of primary processing for the preparation of functional foods

ŠIPK: FUNKCIONAL – The possibility of using useful discards of food and waste of primary processing for the preparation of functional foods
