STUDY PROGRAMMES AND MOBILITY Student mobilityFind out why you should study at UP Faculty of health sciences PreviousNext1234 Welcome to University of Primorska: WELCOME PAGE Study Research International mobility Conference Students News Course Integrative Kinesiology and Technology in Equine Training Vabilo na usposabljanje Integrative Kinesiology and Technology in Equine Training Call for Young Researcher in the Field of Physiotherapy, Kinesiology, or Medicine Delegacija UP obiskala Univerzo v Trstu T4EU "BACHELOR TRACKS" 2024/2025 spring offer published, registration is now open Study in Slovenia Erasmus days 2024 ŠtartUP - a sports and social event for students of the University of Primorska Conference Health Of Working-Age and Older Adults Job offer: Assistant - Assistant (R1) Public Call for Applications for Scholarships 2024/2025 T4EU "BACHELOR TRACKS" 2024/2025 T4EU Week In Katowice, Poland Exhibition of competition solutions opened on the occasion of the signing of the contract for the project documentation for the construction of the UP FVZ building Academic Calendar of the University of Primorska 2024/2025 UP published the call for young researchers, generation 2024 21ST ANNUAL ACADEMY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PRIMORSKA WINGS FOR LIFE GROUP RUN UPgrade UP published the call for young researchers, generation 2024 “HOW TO MAKE SCIENCE MORE ENGAGING AND SOCIABLE?” Open call for T4EU week courses for the students of the University of primorska in the academic year 2024/2025 Effects Of Wearing Different School Bags On Kinematic Gait Parameters In Children Ages 8-12 INOVACIJE in pika »Vzpostavitev znanstvene podlage za ekscentrično kvazi-izometrično vadbo proti uporu« ERASMUS+ WORLD CAFE ŠtartUP Upskilling coaches for children’s motor skill development (PETIT) NEW: International Module Orientation days 2023 Invitation to lectures by guest lecturers Nenad Nedović and Danilo Vujičić Career fair of the University of Primorska UP Faculty of Health Sciences at Institut Nacional d'Educació Física de Catalunya GOST UP: Invitation to a lecture by guest lecturer Assist. Prof. Benjamin Pageaux from the University of Montreal Alumni Week UP The master's and doctoral degree fair "UPgrade - expand your knowledge!" LIBRARY CLOSURE NOTICE CALL FOR ENROLMENT INTO MASTER AND DOCTORAL DEGREE STUDY PROGRAMMES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PRIMORSKA IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 THE FIRST APPLICATION PERIOD IS EXTENDED UNTIL 27 MARCH 2023 MEET AND GREET EVENT FOR ALL UP STUDENTS - ŠtartUP Staff visit to University of Queensland (Australia) PHYSIOTHERAPY – NEW MASTER`S STUDY PROGRAMME PHYSICAL EDUCATION - NEW STUDY PROGRAMME UP Orientation days: 27 September - 1 October 2018 Guest UP 2017: Mrs. Esther Nova, PhD Five-day training programme for Community and family nurses for elderly Year Conference FOOD AND NUTRITION FOR HEALTH SQAA external evaluation at UP Faculty of Health Sciences 3rd Scientific and Professional Conference on Public Health Statistics of the most borrowed / reserved books ‹› More Number of students Number of graduates Number of scientific articles in 2023 Educational institutions Useful links