Study programme 2nd cycle
The tuition language at the Faculty of Health Sciences is Slovenian.
The master’s postgraduate study programme Nursing is the upgrade of the higher education professional study programme Nursing in compliance with European directives EU 77/452, EU 77/453 and 2005/36/ES. Students shall be able to search for new knowledge resources in professional and scientific areas, take on the responsibility to manage advanced systems in health care and nursing, and develop critical reflection and social and communication skills that are necessary to manage teamwork. Apart from the obligatory courses of the study programme which are intended to train graduate nurses and graduate health care workers for demanding professional health care tasks, the programme also includes the elective modules. After a consultation with their tutors, students can choose the entire module or individual courses.
Professional title
Magister zdravstvene nege / Magistrica zdravstvene nege (mag. zdr. neg.)
Study programme general data
Length of study
2 years
120 ECTS
8 obligatory courses
+ elective modul
Conslusion of study
Master’s thesis
To enroll in the study program, candidate needs to:
- have completed a 1st level study program Nursing in the amount of at least 180 ECTS or the higher professional study program Nursing (study programs adopted before 11 June 2004) or a comparable undergraduate study program abroad in the amount of at least 180 ECTS;
- have completed a 1st level study program in the amount of at least 180 ECTS in the field of Nursing and care (723) or a higher professional study program (study programs adopted before 11 June 2004) in the field of nursing and care (723) or with it comparable undergraduate study program abroad in the amount of at least 180 ECTS. Before enrolling, these candidates must pass the study obligations (differential exams) that are essential for enrollment in the Nursing study program. Differential examinations in the amount of up to 60 ECTS are determined by the Commission for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Health Sciences, on the basis of an individual application of the candidate.
If enrolment is to be restricted, candidates will be selected on the basis of to the average grade of the undergraduate study (on average, the final thesis at the undergraduate study is also considered as one of the study obligations).
Requirements for progression to the next year
48 ECTS for enrollment in the next year.