Username and password

All students enrolled in our Faculty receive a username that also functions as registration number and password, and which applies to all of the services listed below.

In addition to the usual username that is valid for all services providded by the Faculty or University, students also get a username with the added domain (example: if your username is 123456, your Eduroam username is to access services such as AAI, Eruroam wireless network and Office 365. Students can change their password in VIS.


VIS (Visokošolski informacijski sistem) provides business to students with a faculty over the internet..

You log in to VIS with your username and password. VIS is accessible at

Your data is only accessible through your username and password, so protect it carefully. In case of their loss, report it immediately to the faculty administration, which will assign you a new password.


The e-classroom is available at In the e-classroom, each subject has its own workspace, which is regulated by the lecturer of the subject.In addition to downloading files, it also enables communication with lecturers and assistants through forums, homework assignments, etc.

In addition to downloading files, it also enables communication with lecturers and assistants through forums, homework assignments, etc.


Remote access to articles and other sources

At you will get instructions for remote access. Remote access allowes you to reaching articles and other sources, with which you can access articles and other sources that are usually only accessible from the University of Primorska network.



There are 2 computers in the lobby at UP FVZ, and additional 9 computers in the library on which internet access is possible.


Eduroam wireless network

Eduroam (education roaming) is an international federation of wireless networks for users in the educational and research field. Students, lecturers, researchers and others can use any wireless network Eduroam, in Slovenia or abroad. You can use it regardless of where you are: at your home institution or at some other University.

The Eduroam username is a username with added domain (if your username is 123456, your Eduroam username is

To establish connection to the wireless network, on most devices, you need to install the specific software, which is available for download at

Android systems do not yet have an automatic tool, so the network needs to be set up manually.


Arnes AAI

The University of Primorska is a member of the federation Arnes AAI, giving students access to a wide range of services provided by other organizations. Examples of services are VOX for web conferencing, or filesender for easy sharing of large files.

The username is described in the second paragraph of the Username and Password section.

A list of some of the services available through arnes AAI is available at:


Office 365 and e-mail

Access to Office 365 is available through website: . For loging in use username for VIS and password from VIS.

You can redirect the email address from office365 to your personal email address –


Microsoft Office 365 Services is a cloud service provided by an external provider and is not managed by UP FVZ.

UP FVZ does not guarantee the availability and quality of services. Terms of service are available online.

UP FVZ staff does not provide support in using this service. For more detailed information, use the built-in help or search for information online.



Access instructions

  • Go to the portal MATLAB Univerze na Primorskem download the software.
  • In the “Get MATLAB” section, click “Sign up to get started”
  • Create a MathWorks account. During registration, it is important to use your university e-mail address (@ or @ or @ Once you do so, you will be connected to our MATLAB license and will be able to download and activate the software on your PC or start using MATLAB Online from a web browser.

If you do not know the MATLAB program, you can listen to a two-hour MATLAB workshop, which can also be found on the MATLAB portal of the University of Primorska in the section “Learn to use MATLAB and Simulink”.

In case of problems with the installation of MATLAB, go to the MATLAB portal of the University of Primorska and click “I need help with installation”. 




Employees and students can use the 1KA service free of charge and unlimitedly on the Arnes installation .



SPSS license for students of the University of Primorska

Students can purchase the SPSS Premium license, which has all SPSS modules. The price for one license is 22,00 Eur. VAT is not included.

For the purchase, please contact Ms. Mojca Smerdel (

Purchase procedures:

  1. For the purpose of issuing the invoice, please send a scan of the valid certificate of registration and you address of residence to the e-mail address
  2. The invoice will be sent to your email address.
  3. When you settle the payment, you will receive everything you need in order to install the program and the activation code.
  4. Student licenses are annual and are valid for one year from the date of purchase.

IBM SPSS is an external service provided by an external provider and is not managed by UP.

UP is not responsible and does not guarantee the availability and quality of services. UP staff do not provide support in using this service.