Design of evidence-based injury prevention programs in sport


Subject carrier


Methods and approaches to exploring the effects of preventive interventions:
• The importance of study type, particularly concerning evidence level
• The role of randomized controlled trials, prospective studies and retrospective studies
• Risk factors studies
• Studies exploring the effects of interventions on risk factors
• Incidence studies, exploring the effects of interventions on injury occurrence
• Methodology of intervention conduction (control group, tracking the intervention compliance, scheduling of the tests, follow-up periods)

Collecting current evidence on the effects of preventive interventions:
• Systematic literature reviews on particular sport or injury, with critical analysis
• Determining study quality, eliminating studies with poor quality
• The role of meta-analysis
• Designing exercise programs based on collected evidence

Epidemiology of sports injuries
• Prevalence of injuries of lower limb, upper limb, and trunk/back in different sports
• Prevalence of specific injuries
• The overview of the most important variables in epidemiology, examples of epidemiological studies and using its findings for future research and preventive practice

Evidence-based interventions for injury prevention in sport:
• Evidence-based exercise to develop strength/power, flexibility/mobility and postural balance/stability
• Exploring kinematic/kinetic characteristics of specific exercise modalities
• Searching for optimal exercises for eliminating internal risk factors, based on biomechanical and neuro-muscular consideration
• Exploring acute and subacute physiological and biomechanical effects of specific exercises for developing strength/power, flexibility/mobility and postural balance/stability
• Integration and periodization of exercise – evidence-based analytic/local approach
• Integration and periodization of exercise – evidence-based synthetic/global approach
• Evidence based designing of mid- and long-term holistic exercise programs to eliminate internal risk factors and decrease the occurrence of injuries in sport
