Health promotion and prevention



  • Members of Department of Nursing.

Publications published under the auspices of the NIPH, Nursing Review, Foreign Scientific Journals

  1. DOVGAN, Patricija, ŠTEMBERGER KOLNIK, Tamara, RAVNIK, David. Poznavanje funkcij mišic medeničnega dna in pomena komplementarnih konservativnih pristopov za njihovo krepitev pri ženskah = Knowing the functions of the pelvic floor muscles and the importance of complementary conservative approaches to pelvic floor muscles strengthening in women. Obzornik zdravstvene nege. 2018, 52, 1, 29-37.
  2. ŠORFOVA, Monika, TLAPAKOVA, Eva, NEKLANOVÁ, Anna, RAVNIK, David. Use of kinesio taping in overloaded physiotherapist’s thumb. Rehabilitace a fyzikální lékařství. 2017, 24, 4, 226-233.
  3. HROVATIN, Jasna, PREKRAT, Silvana, OBLAK, Leon, RAVNIK, David. Ergonomic suitability of kitchen furniture regarding height accessibility. Collegium antropologicum. 2015, 39, 1, 185-191.
  4. RAVNIK, David, KOCJANČIČ, Justina. Effectiveness of preventive and curative ergonomic interventions in work environment in support maritime services. Pracovnílékařství. prosinec 2015, 67, 3-4, 92-101.
  5. RAVNIK, David, OTAHAL, Stanislav, DODIČ-FIKFAK, Metoda. Using different methods to assess the discomfort during car driving. Collegium antropologicum. 2008, letn. 32, 1, 267-276.
  6. RAVNIK, David. Aplikativna ergonomija s fizioterapiologijo kot temelja promocije zdravja na delovnem mestu = Applicative ergonomy and physiotherapiology as basics of workplace health promotion. V: ŽELEZNIK, Danica (ur.), KAUČIČ, Boris Miha (ur.), ŽELEZNIK, Uroš (ur.). Sedanjost in prihodnost zdravstvenih ved v času globalnih sprememb: zbornik predavanj z recenzijo. Slovenj Gradec: Visoka šola za zdravstvene vede. 2013. 115-122.
  7. RAVNIK, David. Nujnost ergonomsko – biomehanične ocene intervencij mobilnosti v zdravstveni negi. V: DOBNIK, Mojca (ur.), LEŠNIK, Amadeus (ur.). Zdravstvena in babiška nega sodobnega časa: zbornik predavanj. Maribor: Univerzitetni klinični center, 2019. 49-58.
  8. RAVNIK, David, VRANY, Jiri, JELEN, Karel, BITTNER, Vaclav. Biomechanical aspects of assisting patients in standing up in the context of ergonomics. V: ZUNJIĆ, Aleksandar (ur.). Ergonomic design and assessment of products and systems. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2017. 85-103
  9. RAVNIK, David. Design for driver’s comfort: discomfort assessment and discomfort manifestation among professional and amateur car drivers. V: KARWOWSKI, Waldemar (ur.). Human factors and ergonomics in consumer product design. Uses and applications. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC; London: Taylor & Francis, 2011. 465-481.
  10. MARTINUČ, Sandra, RAVNIK, David. Razvoj programa promocije zdravja v delovni organizaciji. Zbornik predavanj.11. študentska konferenca s področja zdravstvenih ved z mednarodno udeležbo »Raziskovanje študentov zdravstvenih ved prispeva k zdravju in razvoju sodobne družbe«. Maribor, 2019. 412-417.
  11. ŠTEMBERGER KOLNIK, Tamara, BABNIK, Katarina, ŠAVLE, Majda, KAUČIČ, Boris Miha, LJUBIČ, Andreja, ŽVANUT, Boštjan, PUCER, Patrik, BENKO, Ester, ZUGAN, Suzana, MERŠE LOVRINČEVIĆ, Katarina, PERŠOLJA, Melita, RAVNIK, David, et al. Training programme Consenso: Interreg Alpine Space. 2017. 61 str.
  12. ŠTEMBERGER KOLNIK, Tamara, BENKO, Ester, ŠAVLE, Majda, BABNIK, Katarina, ZUGAN, Suzana, MERŠE LOVRINČEVIĆ, Katarina, PERŠOLJA, Melita, PUCER, Patrik, RAVNIK, David, et al. Training model community family health nurses supporting model. Izola: 2016. 71 str.
  13. PINTER, Nives, MERŠE LOVRINČEVIĆ, Katarina. Preprečevanje urinske inkontinence pri telesno aktivnih ženskah. Polet : magazin Dela in Slovenskih novic. 11. april 2019, 18, 4, 38-40
  14. ŠTEMBERGER KOLNIK, Tamara, BENKO, Ester. Starostnik v primarnem zdravstvenem varstvu. V: JURDANA, Mihaela (ur.), PERŠOLJA, Melita (ur.), POKLAR VATOVEC, Tamara (ur.). Razsežnosti kakovostnega staranja. Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Univerzitetna založba Annales, 2011. Knjižnica Annales ad salutem. 221-232.
  15. BENKO, Ester, BABNIK, Katarina. Funkcionalna sposobnost in zaznavanje socialne vključenosti : pilotna raziskava med starejšimi ljudmi, živečimi v domačem okolju. Kakovostna starost : časopis za socialno gerontologijo in gerontagogiko. 2018, 21, 4, 15-33
  16. BENKO, Ester, ŠTEMBERGER KOLNIK, Tamara. Kompetence patronažne medicinske sestre pri obravnavi starostnika = Community nurse competencies in elderly care. V: ŽELEZNIK, Danica (ur.), ŽELEZNIK, Uroš (ur.). Kompetentnost in odgovornost kot temelja uspešnega delovanja na zdravstvenem in socialnem področju : zbornik predavanj z recenzijo = Competence and responsibility as the basics of successful working on the field of health and social care: proceedings of lectures with peer review. 6. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo s področja zdravstvenih in socialnih ved, 16. november 2016. Slovenj Gradec: Visoka šola za zdravstvene vede: = University College of Health Sciences, 2016. 154-160.
  17. MLINAR, Jasna, SKOČIR, Helena. Vloga medicinske sestre pri adherenci pacientov z multiplo sklerozo = The nurse’s role in adherence to multiple sclerosis patients. V: KVAS, Andreja (ur.), KACJAN ŽGAJNAR, Katarina (ur.). Javno zdravje zbornik prispevkov z recenzijo = Public health : book of papers with peer review. V Ljubljani: Zdravstvena fakulteta, [2018]. 327-336.

Simulation center for the treatment of a critically ill patient (Igor Karnjuš)

BICEPS: Building financial capability for healthcare professionals (ERASMUS+)

BICEPS: Building financial capability for healthcare professionals (ERASMUS+)

BICEPS: Building financial capability for healthcare professionals (ERASMUS+)

PreconNet: PRECONCEPTION HEALTH OF YOUTH, bridging the gap in and through education (ERASMUS+)

BICEPS: Building financial capability for healthcare professionals (ERASMUS+)

EXPLOREDU: System for the identification, management and re-use information on educational events and freely accessible educational content in Slovenia and the world (National project)

BICEPS: Building financial capability for healthcare professionals (ERASMUS+)


BICEPS: Building financial capability for healthcare professionals (ERASMUS+)

Z2-7257 Postdoc project ARRS – Development of algorithms for antimicrobial drug discovery and reduction of antimicrobial resistance

BICEPS: Building financial capability for healthcare professionals (ERASMUS+)

J7-9743 The impact of health care on the quality of life of elderly people: The influence of incontinence and impaired mobility on functionary of elderly people (Basic project ARRS)

BICEPS: Building financial capability for healthcare professionals (ERASMUS+)

J1-6734 Lightweight alloys based on aluminium as materials with increasing potential in transport industry (Basic project ARRS)

BICEPS: Building financial capability for healthcare professionals (ERASMUS+)

M1-0151 Molecular detection of the consequences of the effects of biological weapon and toxins with long-term activity (CRP project)

BICEPS: Building financial capability for healthcare professionals (ERASMUS+)

J3-4211 Antiangiogenic gene therapy of cancer using electroporation and magnetic nanoparticles as targeted delivery systems (Basic project ARRS)

BICEPS: Building financial capability for healthcare professionals (ERASMUS+)

InoTeZ – Innovative with technology to knowledge (National project)

BICEPS: Building financial capability for healthcare professionals (ERASMUS+)

I0-0035 – Infrastructure group of University of Primorska

BICEPS: Building financial capability for healthcare professionals (ERASMUS+)

P3-0003 – Development and evaluation of new approaches to cancer treatment

BICEPS: Building financial capability for healthcare professionals (ERASMUS+)

CO.N.S.E.N.SO: »COmmunity Nurse Supporting Elderly iN a changing SOciety« (Model of care for elderly in Alpinespace)

BICEPS: Building financial capability for healthcare professionals (ERASMUS+)

TRANS2CARE Transregional Network for Innovation and Technology Transfer to Improve Health Care (INTERREG SLOVENIA – ITALY 2007 – 2013)
