Nursing professionalization



  • Members of Department of Nursing.
PROSEN, Mirko, PISKAR, Franka. Job satisfaction of Slovenian hospital nursing workforce. Journal of nursing management, ISSN 1365-2834, March 2015, vol. 23, iss. 2, str. 242-251.

PROSEN, Mirko. The impact of medicalization of pregnancy and childbirth on professionalism of midwifery : the midwivesʼ perspective. V: Change in professions and professionalism : signs and directions, Interim Conference of the ISA Research Committee 52, Sociology of Professional Groups, Thursday 8 June 2017 – Saturday 10 June 2017 at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Oslo, Norway. Oslo: ISA. 2017.

PROSEN, Mirko. Nursing students’ reasons for choosing nursing profession and the vision of their future work : pursuing career choice in community health nursing. V: Transforming community and public health : inspiring future generations : book of abstracts : International symposium, Swansea, Wales, 16th – 17th July 2018. Swansea: [s. n.]. 2018, str. 32.

PROSEN, Mirko, KARNJUŠ, Igor, LIČEN, Sabina. Razvijanje medkulturnih kompetenc med študenti zdravstvene nege = Developing Cross-Cultural Competences among Nursing Studentes. V: RUTAR, Sonja (ur.), et al. Vidiki internacionalizacije in kakovosti v visokem šolstvu = Perspectives of internationalisation and quality in higher education, (Knjižnica Ludus, ISSN 2536-1937, 6). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. 2017, str. 199-213.

PROSEN, Mirko, LIČEN, Sabina, KARNJUŠ, Igor. Vloga medicinskih sester v medpoklicnem sodelovanju v okviru farmacevtske skrbi v Evropi : rezultati EUPRON projekta za Slovenijo = Nurses’ role in interprofessional pharmaceutical care in Europe : results of EUPRON project for Slovenia. Izola: Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za vede o zdravju, 2018.

PERŠOLJA, Melita. The effect of nurse staffing patterns on patient satisfaction and needs : a cross-sectional study. Journal of nursing management, ISSN 0966-0429, Oct. 2018, vol. 26, no. 7, str. 858-865.

PERŠOLJA, Melita, SKOČIR, Helena. Ocenjevanje praktičnega usposabljanja študentov : profesionalni in pedagoški izziv = Clinical competence assessment in nursing : professional and pedagogical challenge. V: FILEJ, Bojana (ur.). Zbornik prispevkov z recenzijo = Proceeding book with peer review, 5. Mednarodna znanstvena konferenca za človeka gre: interdisciplinarnost, transnacionalnost in gradnja mostov. Maribor: Alma Mater Europea – ECM. 2017, str. 669-678.

REBEC, Doroteja, BOGATAJ, Urška, LIČEN, Sabina, PROSEN, Mirko. Characteristics of adult education, complexity and self-awareness of learning practical skills = Značilnosti izobraževanja odraslih, kompleksnost in zavedanje lastnega procesa praktičnega učenja. V: ŽELJEZNOV SENIČAR, Maruška (ur.). Izobraževanje talentov : zbornik : III. mednarodna znanstvena konferenca, [26.-28. 10. 2017] = Talent education : book of papers : III. international scientific conference, [26.-28. 10. 2017]. Ljubljana: MIB.

Simulation center for the treatment of a critically ill patient (Igor Karnjuš)

Implementation Of Nurse Professional Competence Scale in Nursing profession in Croatia and Slovenia (Bilateral project SLO-CRO)

Implementation Of Nurse Professional Competence Scale in Nursing profession in Croatia and Slovenia (Bilateral project SLO-CRO)

BENEFITS: Better and more Effective Nursing Education for Improving Transcultural Nursing Skills (ERASMUS+)

BENEFITS: Better and more Effective Nursing Education for Improving Transcultural Nursing Skills (ERASMUS+)

DIG-IT: Digital Education Initiatives and Timely Solutions (ERASMUS+)

DIG-IT: Digital Education Initiatives and Timely Solutions (ERASMUS+)

DeMoPhaC: Development of a model for nurses’ role in interprofessional pharmaceutical care” (ERASMUS+)

DeMoPhaC: Development of a model for nurses’ role in interprofessional pharmaceutical care” (ERASMUS+)

EXPLOREDU: System for the identification, management and re-use information on educational events and freely accessible educational content in Slovenia and the world (National project)

EXPLOREDU: System for the identification, management and re-use information on educational events and freely accessible educational content in Slovenia and the world (National project)



V5-1507: Nursing as a scientific discipline in Slovenia: An internationally comparable secondary and tertiary education system in nursing care as the foundation of research and scientific contribution to the sustainable development of society (CRP project)

V5-1507: Nursing as a scientific discipline in Slovenia: An internationally comparable secondary and tertiary education system in nursing care as the foundation of research and scientific contribution to the sustainable development of society (CRP project)

J7-9743 The impact of health care on the quality of life of elderly people: The influence of incontinence and impaired mobility on functionary of elderly people (Basic project ARRS)

J7-9743 The impact of health care on the quality of life of elderly people: The influence of incontinence and impaired mobility on functionary of elderly people (Basic project ARRS)

J5-4281 »RAZKORAK« Longitudinal study in competence potential of university graduates and a gap between graduates’ competences and labour market requirements in technology, education and health (Basic project ARRS)

J5-4281 »RAZKORAK« Longitudinal study in competence potential of university graduates and a gap between graduates’ competences and labour market requirements in technology, education and health (Basic project ARRS)

INOVUP – Innovative Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (National project)

INOVUP – Innovative Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (National project)

InoTeZ – Innovative with technology to knowledge (National project)

InoTeZ – Innovative with technology to knowledge (National project)

I0-0035 – Infrastructure group of University of Primorska

I0-0035 – Infrastructure group of University of Primorska
