Interdisciplinary aspects of prevention in health


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1. 1. Introduction
• Public health definition, important concepts (development and tasks of public health, definitions of health, disease, clinical medicine, population medicine)
• Organized efforts by the society to strengthen, preserve and restore health (PH measures, prevention levels, national practice)
• Overview of major health problems (infectious diseases, chronic non-communicable diseases, injuries, mental disorders)
• Determination of key risk factors (natural, socio-economic)
• Reducing inequalities in health, by considering socio-economic, natural factors and multiculturalism
• Monitoring and use of population health indicators
• Creating criteria for the management of population health risks
• Demographic and epidemiological changes
• Routine and occasional sources of health data
• Descriptive epidemiology – indicators of disease burden
• Analytical epidemiology – epidemiological research
• Spatial epidemiology – geographical analysis
• Interpretation of the results of epidemiological studies


2.1 Interdisciplinary health prevention focused on children and youth

The concepts of designing individual and/or group preventive programs for boosting health of youth and children and the actions for selected common problems in this population
Communicable disease and immune system
• Physical activity for boosting immune system of children and adolescents
• The role of nutrients for preserving and boosting immunes system in children and youth
• Challenges in immunization and vaccination today: nursing perspective
• The role of nutrients and/or bioactive substances in immune response and variability in responses after bioactive substances dietary intake in children and youth
• The concept of designing individual and/or group prevention programs for health promotion to prevent infections
• Prevention of sexually-transmitted diseases: health promotion
• Health promotion of preconception health
Allergies and asthma
• Identification of environmental risk factors for asthma or allergy development
• Nutritional guidelines for introducing allergens into diet (pregnancy, children, adolescents)
• Microbiota – colon-brain axis in relation to allergies in children
• The role of nursing care in children and youth with asthma/allergy
• The concept of designing individual and/or group preventive programs for health promotion in youth and children for preventing asthma/allergy
• Exercise as a supplementary tool for managing asthma
• Social context of ADHD development and consequences of ADHD during growth: the importance for planning health promotion
• The concept of designing individual and/or group preventive programs for preventing ADHD related symptoms in children (preschool and school) and adolescents
• Exercise as a supplementary tool for ADHD
• Amino-acid metabolism and crucial nutrients (tyrosine, tryptophan) in relation to ADHD
• Exercise and physical activity for children and youth with diabetes
• Changes in society, related to risk factors for diabetes development in children and adolescents: the importance for planning health promotion
• The role of nursing care in children and youth with diabetes
• The concept of designing individual and/or group preventive programs for youth and children for preventing or treating diabetes
• Biomarkers related to nutritional status and diabetes in children and adolescents
Musculo-skeletal problems
• Problematics of musculoskeletal diseases of children in context of accelerated growth
• The role of nursing care in early detection and prevention of chronic musculoskeletal pain in children and youth
• Models of care of musculoskeletal pain in children and youth and the role of nursing
• Physical activity of growing individuals and ergonomic interventions for prevention of musculoskeletal diseases
• Preventing overtraining in children and adolescents

2.2 Interdisciplinary health prevention focused on adult population

Concepts of designing individual and/or group preventive programs for health promotion in adult population and actions for selected common issues in this population
Musculoskeletal disorders
• Physical activity and ergonomic interventions for prevention of most common musculoskeletal diseases of working population (low back pain, cervicobrachial syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome)
• Nursing models for prevention and management of chronic pain of musculoskeletal system and connective tissues
• Using special non-pharmacological methods for prevention and management of chronic pain
• Epidemiological review of neoplasms, their characteristics, and crucial risk factors for their development
• The contribution of nursing care in promotion of individual screening for the disease and participating in existing programs for early cancer detection
• Physical activity for cancer prevention in adult population
• Balanced diet for cancer prevention
Workplace health
• Model of health in work settings and its promotion from the nurses’ perspective
• Ergonomic adjustment of working environment and targeted exercise for preventing working injuries and intoxications
• Exercise and workplace interventions for preserving cardiovascular health
Cardiovascular disease
• The importance of identification of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases related to lifestyle in planning health promotion
• European guidelines for prevention of cardiovascular diseases in clinical practice
• System for assessing and evaluating nutritional intake (biological markers, analytical methods), and development of new tools and methods for evaluating nutritional status of adult population
• Nutrition and energy intake in relation to body composition, effect on health and lifespan of adult population
• Bioactive substances in diet, new foods, creating functional foods for prevention of diseases in adult population, molecular methods for determining food quality, food safety and the effects of nutrition on human organism
Respiratory disorders
• Prevention of chronic respiratory diseases in developed countries: the role of nursing care
• Prevention of acute respiratory diseases through vaccination: the role of nursing care
• Exercise as a mean to increase respiratory capacity and learning correct breathing patterns
• Nutrition for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Mental health and cognition
• Physical activity as supportive tool for reducing and preventing depression and anxiety related to work
• Social aspects of mental and behavioural illnesses development, multicultural aspects
• Prevention, early diagnostic and early treatment of mental and behavioural illnesses in adults: the role of nursing care
• Associations between mental or behavioural illnesses and biological markers
• Psychology, motivators for food choice, modern techniques for health promotion and transmitting information on preventive nutrition
• Strategies of nutritional interventions in working population with mental or behavioural illnesses
Healthy pregnancy
• Identification of extrinsic factors that affect foetus development and the course of healthy pregnancy and delivery
• Early prevention of urinary incontinence: health promotion
• The concept of designing individual and/or group programs for health promotion during pregnancy (School for parents), consideration of cultural differences

2.3 Interdisciplinary health prevention focused on elderly

Concepts of designing individual and/or group programs for health promotion for elderly and actions for selected common problems of this population

Cardiovascular disorders
• The role of nursing care in the identification of risk factors for development of cardiovascular diseases related to lifestyle and aging
• Physical activity for prevention of stroke and infarct in elderly
• The role of bioactive substances in prevention of cardiovascular diseases in elderly
Mental health and cognition
• The application of strategies for decreasing the risk of cognitive decline (in particular the development of Alzheimer’s disease) in nursing care
• Interventions for preventing depression, loneliness and social isolation among the elderly in health promotion of healthy ageing
• Physical exercise for prevention and treatment of neurological and psychiatric issues (insomnia, depression, balance impairments, dementia)
• Exercise for strengthening the most important motor-cognitive abilities for independence and everyday activities
• The role of bioactive substances in relation to mental disorders
• Physical activity for prevention of diabetes in the insulin resistance phase
• Nutrition for elderly with endocrine disruptions
• Development of new functional foods for preventive nutrition of elderly
• Prevention and management of diabetes and its consequences in elderly: the role of nursing care
• Obstacles in management and treatment of diabetes in elderly
Musculo-skeletal disorders
• Nutrition for preservation of musculoskeletal system of elderly
• Prevention of aging-related diseases (osteoporosis, menopausal period) that affect diseases of musculoskeletal system
• Nursing models for prevention and management of chronic pain accompanying musculoskeletal disorders
• Physical activity and targeted exercise for prevention and treatment of degenerative diseases of musculoskeletal system (joint degenerations, sarcopenia, osteopenia, balance deterioration) and individual injuries, typical for elderly (hip fracture)