Development of strategies for healthy aging


Subject carrier


1.2 Demography and epidemiology of agin
2. The basic mechanisms of aging
2.1Biology of the aging
2.13Theories of the aging
3.Pathophysiological background of aging
3.1The impact of aging on the locomotor system
3.2 The impact of aging on the cardio-vascular system
3.3The impact of aging on the brain-vascular system
3.4The impact of aging on other systems (skin, sensors, urine system, digestive system, endocrine system, immune system, respiratory system)
3.5Chronic diseases in elderly
3.6 Dementia in elderly
3.7Sarcopenia and frailty
3.8Psycho-social aspects of aging
4. Strategies for healthy aging
4.1 Active and healthy aging for active and healthy old age
4.2 Long-life learning: access to knowledge, education and training
4.3 Extension of employment
4.4 Prevention of falls of the elderly
4.5 Prevention of age frailty
4.6 Access to infrastructure in the local community
4.7. Supporting independent living at home
