Clinical psychology and counseling techniques


Subject carrier


1 Changing eating habits and behavior
a. Reasons for choices and change
b. Behavior change and the brain
c. Eating habits and motivation to change
d. Levels of change
e. Processes of behavior change.

2 Clinical methods for promoting dietary behavior change and motivational interviewing in the counseling process
a. Counselor approach, core competencies
b. Other Communication Skills
c. The client’s conversation about dietary and eating behaviour change
d. rapid intervention
e. Measurement of counseling outcomes
f. Goal setting

3 Counseling and nutrition counselling
a. Counseling process: characteristics
b. Phases (establishing a relationship, defining the problem, setting goals, selecting appropriate techniques, completing the process).
c. Virtues of a good counsellor
d. Factors of successful nutrition counseling.

4 Cognitive behavioral therapy in nutrition counseling
a. Presentation of the characteristics of cognitive behavioral therapy
b. Principles of learning (classical, instrumental conditioning, cognitive learning)
c. Useful behavioral techniques in nutrition counselling
d. Cognitive biases in nutrition counseling e. Useful cognitive techniques in nutrition counselling
e. Preventing the recurrence of risky behaviors

5 Overeating and eating styles
a. The tendency to overfeeding: emotional, external, and dietary restriction
b. The Psychosomatic theory of obesity, Schachter ‘interior and exterior theory of obesity and cognitive control of eating
c. Samples of binge eating as disorder eating and eating disorder (Feeding as loss of control, Binge eating disorder (BED), Compulsive Overeating (CO)
