assoc. prof. dr. Klemen Širok – PHD TOPICS

Name and Surname: assoc. prof. Klemen Širok, PhD

Research facility (research activity location)
University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Primorska, Faculty of management

Research field according to ARIS classification
Science: Social sciences
Field: Economics
Field: Administrative and organisational sciences

Summary of research topic and field
There are several research gaps in the area of workplace health promotion and its impact on organizational outcomes. (1) While research has shown that workplace health promotion programs (WHPPs) can lead to positive outcomes in the short term, little research has been conducted on their long-term impact. (2) WHPPs can include a wide range of components such as physical activity promotion, nutrition and mental health care. However, there is limited research on which components are most effective in improving specific organizational outcomes. (3) More research is needed to determine the cost-benefit ratio of various WHPPs and components to help organizations make informed decisions about investing in these programs. (4) The majority of research in the field of workplace health promotion and organizational outcomes was carried out (only) in the field of healthcare or industries with high added value. (5) While research has shown that WHPPs can lead to positive outcomes for employees as a whole, there are research gaps in the areas of how these programs affect different subgroups of employees and people from different socioeconomic backgrounds. The research of the mentioned topics includes the application of various quasi-experimental research designs. (1) At the company level, one can evaluate the effects of interventions on various aspects of the effectiveness of the human factor in the company by comparing differences in differences (before and after the intervention, comparison between active and inactive). (2) At the national level, one can compare the sample of active users with the general population through the propensity-score matching method, or (3) assess organizational outcomes at the company level.
