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Cinahl with Full Text and Medline (via database EBSCOhost)

Cinahl with Full Text is a digital collection of full text from the field of health and nursing. Meadline is a digital collection of scientific literature in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine and others.

The Cochrane Library

The Cochrane Library is a collection of full texts covering clinical studies and applied methods in the fields of health, health economics, use of heath technologies and others.

Credo Online Reference Service, Academic Core Collection

The Credo Online Reference Service, The Academic Core Collection is an digital collection containing reference works (encyclopedias, atlases, dictionaries, manuals, biographical lexicons) from various scientific fields.

Ebook Central – Ebrary (Proquest Academic Complete)

Ebrary is a collection of electronic books from world-renowned publishers from various scientific fields.


JSTOR is an digital archieve of the full text of scientific journals in various fields. Emphasis is placed mainly on older newspaper journals, which are often available from the beginning of their publication, meanwhile last issues are being mostly accessible with a two to three years delay.


Nature is an digital complete texts in the fields of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, biochemistry, biotechnology, materials, physics, ecology and other fields of natural science. Full texts are available for the current and past 4 years.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global‎

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global (PQDT) is a digital collection of doctoral and master’s thesis.

Pubmed NCBI

Pubmed NCBI is a digital collection of MEDLINE texts in the fields of health, medicine, sports medicine, rehabilitation, therapy and more.

Sage Journals

Sage Journals is a digital collection of professional and scientific literature in the fields of medicine, social sciences, humanities, engineering and natural sciences.


Science Direct is a collection of digital journals from all fields of expertise focusing on medicine, science and technology.


The Scopus information service enables you to search a multidisciplinary bibliographic database with citation indices.

Springer Link

Springer Link is a collection of digital books and journals in the fields of biomedicine, natural sciences, technical sciences and business, economics, humanities, psychology, sociology and law.

Taylor & Francis SSH Library

Taylor & Francis Social Science & Humanities Library is an electronic collection from various professional fields. Articles search is made through On the basis of results “Access Type: Only show content I have full access to” can be selected within the left menu option.

Web of Science

The Web of Science (WoS) service provides access to multidisciplinary bibliographic databases with citation indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded® (SCI-EXPANDED), Social Sciences Citation Index® (SSCI) and Arts & Humanities Citation Index® (A&HCI).

Wiley Online Library

Wiley Online library is a digital collection of professional and scientific literature in the fields of natural sciences, chemistry, physics, mathematics, electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, economics and more.


The library of the Faculty of Health Sciences has begun to work in the academic year 2005/2006. Its dedicated to all UP students, professors, researchers and to other employees of UP faculties. The core mission of library is to collect (buy), edit, store and professionally process library material: printed and electronic resources, care for the protection and preservation of material for the future. In order to support the study and research process, it maintains up to date library’s collection of monographs, professional and scientific foreign journals and other publications, especially in the fields of health and medical sciences, dietetics, applied kinesiology, physiotherapy and sports.

We are saving final project assignments (diploma work, master’s thesis and doctoral thesis) in the Repository of the University of Primorska – RUP, which is a single entry point for access to electronic information resources that are made within University of Primorska. In 2019 all the final works created since the begginning of the faculty has been digitalized and published in RUP.

With consistent bibliographically material processing for SICRIS, the library support research processes and supports the monitoring of research performances, both for faculty and the Valdotra Orthopedic Hospital.