Research equipment

It is dedicated to the study of human movement mechanics. The laboratory is equipped with advanced technology and computer programs for the analysis of movement kinematics and kinetics, as well as muscle activity. Measurements of muscle performance, analysis of muscle activity, biomechanics during various movement patterns, and movement kinematics are conducted in the laboratory. The results of these measurements, in addition to providing research insights, are useful for individualizing sports training and progress, identifying weaknesses, and monitoring injury rehabilitation. The following high-value research equipment is available:

The Physiology Laboratory is dedicated to the study of physiological responses and adaptations to exercise or different environments. It is equipped with high-tech equipment designed to measure and analyse various aspects of human physiology, in particular in relation to endurance, aerobic capacity and metabolism. Various training devices (treadmill, cycle trainer) allow tests to be carried out under sport-specific conditions.

  • Stacionarni presnovni voziček Cosmed Quark CPET
  • Prenosni merilniki laktata v krvi
  • Zapestni merilniki srčnega utripa
  • Telesni analizator Tanita MC980MA
  • Kolesarska trenažerja Wahoo Kickr in Elite Drivo
  • Tekaška steza Woodway 4 Front
  • Multiparametrski merilniki – več merilnikov proizvajalcev Ahlborn, Metrel in Voltcraft s pripadajočimi senzorji za vrednotenje okoljskih pogojev in notranjega udobja.
  • Prenosni merilec porabe kisika VO2master
  • Termokamera Flir E4
  • Artinis Portalite NIRS naprava za vrednotenje krvnega pretoka
  • Spirometrija Cosmed

has equipment for all established forms of physical therapy (therapeutic ultrasound, laser, magnetotherapy, electrotherapy, thermotherapy) and also some modern equipment (high-intensity magnetic stimulation), the applicability of which in rehabilitation is still in the process of justification and thus offers an opportunity for research work. The laboratory also houses a set of equipment for ergonomic measurements, such as sensors for monitoring movement habits and sedentariness, a stadiometer, and small devices for measuring workplace dimensions.

is intended for the implementation of various contents of movement therapy, exercise and training interventions as part of pedagogical and research work. The exercise room is equipped with the following exercise aids for the implementation of various exercise content:

  • Training platform
  • Multi-functional weight cage
  • Bench Press Chest with Weights
  • Mouldings
  • The Galileo vibrating plate
  • Small anti-resistance exercise aids
  • Small accessories for stability and balance training
  • Naprava in manšete za ishemično vadbo SmartCuff PRO

is designed to provide nutritional treatment, including: nutritional screening, nutritional diagnosis, nutritional intervention, and monitoring and evaluation of nutritional therapy. In addition, planning and preparation of optimal menus to meet the needs of individuals or different age groups of the population is carried out. Equipment of greater value:

  • Telesni analizator Tanita BC 418MA
  • Indirektni kalorimeter RMR Qark (COSMED)
  • Indirektni kalorimeter MedGem® Microlife
  • Modeli živil
  • Opremljena kuhinja
  • Aparat za merjenje gostote živil (Omogoča vrednotenje ključnih parametrov kemijske sestave, kot so topne trdne snovi v živilih, kakovost sadja, sadnih sokov,  dietnih formul in izdelkov za bolnike z disfagijo.)
  • Programska oprema PRODI 5.8 EXPERT (Omogoča beleženje prehranskih vnosov ter pripravo receptur.)

Movement, inactivity and nutrition have a significant impact on certain health indicators. These indicators are reflected on the biochemical level before they are expressed macroscopically. By monitoring basic biochemical parameters, inflammation markers, hormones, and metabolic products, we significantly round off the findings established in the previously described laboratories. Biochemical laboratory infrastructure:

The goal of the microbiological laboratory is to provide opportunities for the identification, study and understanding of the role of microorganisms in environments important to humans. Within the framework of UP FVZ, the microbiology laboratory brings new knowledge that leads to the development and improvement of microbiological diagnostics, quality assurance in both health and food practice, development of applications and understanding of various mechanisms of action of microorganisms in the field of pathogenesis, resistance to antimicrobial agents, biofilm formation, etc. Equipment:

it includes both a broad-spectrum simulator that serves to optimize and develop various nursing procedures for various injuries of children or adults and a simulator resuscitation mannequin, which is key to studying and optimizing resuscitation procedures. The use of simulators is a relatively new approach to teaching that allows users to develop, improve, and apply knowledge and skills in real-world clinical situations. Higher value equipment:

  • Simulator Gaumard HAL 1000 
  • Simulator ALS-reanimation dummy
  • Simulator NIKKI za urjenje vseh postopkov s področja zdravstvene nege
  • QCPR reanimation dummies