
UP FHS monitors quality with regular Annual Work Programmes, Annual Reports, Self-Evaluation Reports and Field Analyses. The Annual Work Programmes, Financing Plans and Annual Reports test whether the set goals have been achieved and whether the members work successfully and efficiently, thus also ensuring quality is continuously improving. The Self-Evaluation Report, however, is the tool that directly ensures that constant increase of quality. It provides an assessment of the situation and a critical analysis, an analysis of advantages and disadvantages, and proposals to eliminate drawbacks and improve quality. The basic purpose of the Self-Evaluation Report is thus to monitor the situation and improve the activities of the quality assurance system at UP FHS in all its domains or within the scope of the key and support processes.

Commission for Promotion and Monitoring of Quality

The main tasks of the CPMQ are the following:

  • To promote and monitor the quality of the educational, scientific and research work,
  • To discuss material from the field of quality,
  • To propose quality-related activities,
  • To cooperate with UP working bodies and authorities in the field of quality,
  • To pass decisions and propose decisions in its domain to the UP FHS Senate.