STAR-VITAL “Joint measures for the vitality of older workers” (National project)

Duration of the project:

1. 9. 2017 – 30. 9. 2022

Lead partner:

University of Primorska Faculty of Health Sciences

Project partners:

University of Primorska, Faculty of Management
Faculty of Health Sciences Angela Boškin Jesenice
National Institute of Public Health
Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia

Principal investigator / researcher:

Assoc. Prof. Klemen Širok (SICRIS, ResearchGate)

Team at UP FHS:

Matej Voglar (SICRIS, ResearchGate)
Mojca Stubelj (SICRIS, ResearchGate)
Denisa Manojlović (SICRIS)


The University of Primorska is the lead partner in the project Joint Measures for the Vitality of Older Workers (STAR-VITAL) ( In cooperation with the Slovenian National Institute of Public Health, the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia and the Faculty of Health Sciences Angela Boškin, the University of Primorska assists 110 companies in the cohesion region of western Slovenia in establishing and integrating concrete measures to protect and promote workers’ health and wellbeing, especially those of elderly employees. It offers its assistance free of charge. As the needs and capacities of companies and individuals differ, the project activities are designed in a way that enables an individualised approach to the introduction of any measures.

The project’s main idea is based on the World Health Organisation’s concept of a healthy organisation and the model of healthy work places. This concept defines the four dimensions of a healthy work environment, which need to be implemented in organisations through planned and continuous activities: the physical work environment, the psychosocial work environment, workers’ personal health sources and organisations’ collaboration with both the local and the wider social environment. By participating in the project, companies gain an expert analysis of their current state as regards health promotion, i.e. the identification of any weaknesses and key opportunities for improvement.

Within the framework of the project, in the field of active and healthy aging of employees, especially those older than 45 years, we will develop and implement a comprehensive business model for dealing with older workers for the employers – management of the elderly (for the cohesion region of Western Slovenia).

The project is partly funded by the European Union, from the European Social Fund (ESF – 80%, MDDSZ – 20%).
