ŠIPK: GibKoP – Holistic approaches to active and healthy aging: Moving and cognitive activity and nutrition


Duration of the project:

1. 6. 2014 – 30.9. 2017

Project leader:

Assist. Prof. Uroš Marušič (SICRIS, ResearchGate)

Project partners:

Cooperation od Societies of pensioners of the Municipality of Koper


The purpose of the project was to, by cooperating with Pensioners’ Association of Koper contribute to active solving of the regional problems and seeking solutions for wellbeing of broader population within the region. Hence, we performed many activities within the project: we reviewed current scientific evidence on ageing and interventions, targeted at slowing ageing. With increasing age of the populations, the prevalence of various neurodegenerative diseases that lack pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments is also rising. The results of the project indicate that there is a positive transfer of brain training to the subjective perception of cognitive ability in daily life and also to the objectively measures variables. Improvements in cognitive aspect will contribute to the later onset of mild cognitive disorder and dementia, and will therefore positively influence the quality of life and healthcare costs.

»The authors acknowledge the project GibKoP is finacially supported by the European Social Fund (80%) and Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (20%).«


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Brain training” , “Cognitive assessment