ŠIPK: ESPOS – E-center for sport injuries in Slovenia


Duration of the project:

1.3.2020 – 30.6.2020

Project leader:

Prof. Nejc Šarabon (SICRIS, ResearchGate)

Project partners:

Olympic Committee of Slovenia 


In the ESPOS project, we will develop and test an online centre based on various questionnaires that evaluate the incidence and severity of sports injuries. The online centre will contain methodologically validated questionnaires, including questionnaires for injury history evaluation as well as questionnaires that monitor the incidence of injuries during the season or for a longer period. In addition to the designing, testing and launching of the online centre, we will review and verify existing tools for injury incidence assessment. With the Online Centre for Monitoring Sports Injuries, we want to contribute to better monitoring and evaluation of sports injuries and based on that to better preventive behaviour in sport. We aim to follow that goal by tightly collaborating with the Slovenian Olympic Committee.

Project ESPOS is co-financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of Slovenia and by EU from the European Social Fund.