J7-9743 The impact of health care on the quality of life of elderly people: The influence of incontinence and impaired mobility on functionary of elderly people (Basic project ARRS)


1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009

Principal investigator / researcher:

Maja Čemažar (SICRIS, ResearchGate)


Ageing of the population is a phenomenon that brings many problems, which are connected to ageing and decrease in ability of self-nursing and also higher susceptibility for chronic diseases. There is a particularly fast growth in the segment of people over 80, which strongly affects the planning of national health and social service how to assure quality of life for this population. We can define good health and a successful ageing on the basis of the autonomous functioning of the individual within a certain social environment. Despite the presence of a chronic disease, we can define an old person to be healthy when s/he is socially and intellectually active. The objective of health care is to aid the elderly in reaching optimal health, well-being and quality of life, as they define it, or in accordance with their values or acknowledged wishes. The aim of the project is to deal with two issues concerning ageing and the elderly, incontinence and impaired mobility. The project will deal with the topic from two aspects: firstly from the view of care providers and secondly from the view of the elderly. The first part of our research will be dedicated to the assessment of care providers (professionals or laics that offer help and support to the elderly), perception of ageing and of parameters, defining the quality of ageing. The second part of the research will deal with both above mentioned categories of ageing (perception and quality) from the point view of the oldster. The results of the proposed project will be presented as publication with guidelines for care providers and elderly and will form the basis for more effective planning of care of oldsters and thus providing higher quality of life for elderly people living in home environment and those living in residential environment.
