More information regarding your study at University of Primorska: https://welcome.upr.si/
More information: HERE.
Previous Orientation days
2023 Video recap. 2021 event pictures: HERE and HERE
For additional information please contact our mobility coordinators:
Andreja Brecelj and Karmen Zazijal
e-mail: international@fvz.upr.si

UP Faculty of Health Sciences (UP FHS) pays special attention to international cooperation with higher education institutes, educational and research institutions, and thematic and interest networks, thus making the implementation of the study programmes of higher quality, the scientific and professional work superior, the mobility of students, teachers, researchers and other employees greater, and the Faculty more recognizable. Institutional cooperation includes joining and collaborating in international associations as well as thematic and interest networks.
Erasmus identification number: SI KOPER03
PIC number: 998802793
Erasmus code: 221927-LA-1-2014-1-SI-E4AKA1-ECHE
The international cooperation of the UP Faculty of Health Sciences focuses on:
- Promoting the international mobility of individuals, increasing the scope of cooperation between organisations, and raising the level of education and training,
- Enabling students to complete a part of their study programme in partner universities,
- Offering the best opportunities in career and personal development,
- Enabling higher education teachers and associates to be included in teaching and research processes in partner universities,
- Introducing the implementation of individual courses in English, thus creating the conditions for faster exchanges of 1st and 2nd cycle students,
- Hosting foreign lecturers in 1st and 2nd cycle programmes,
- Submitting joint research and development projects,
- Exchanging knowledge, experience and good practice,
- Designing joint study programmes
Useful links
- CMEPIUS: www.cmepius.si
- ERASMUS+: www.erasmusplus.si , http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/index_en.htm
- Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia: https://www.srips-rs.si/en
- Erasmus Intern: https://erasmusintern.org/
- ESN – Erasmus Student Network
- Transform4Europe