Professionalism in health care


Subject carrier


As part of the course students: (i) learn about the definition and importance of professionalism in the health sector, (ii) recognize personal and work characteristics / qualities that health care workers should have for high professional and moral-ethical work, (iii) deepen the importance of values, morals, ethics, and other personality traits at work, (iv) acquire the fundamentals of effective interpersonal relationships in health care team, (v) acquire the basic elements of communication with patients and their significant others. Chapters of the course:
1) Professionalism: definition, elements and characteristics, factors at the individual, organizational and societal level; Professionalism versus new managerialism, the role of regulatory mechanisms and expert bodies, social media and professionalism.
2) Ethics in health care: the concept of ethics (deontological, ontological), the concept of morality and moral development; relevant national and international codes and their implementation in practice
3) Personal data protection: legal issues, ethical and moral principles, case studies from practice
4) Personal work ethic and personal qualities of healthcare workers / qualities associated with ethical and moral work: integrity, empathy, altruism, personal work ethic, reflective practice, patient advocacy, personal and professional development from novice to professional;
5) Teamwork in healthcare: characteristics, types of teams in health care, factors of effective teamwork, communication and other processes in teams, team development, leadership and effective leadership styles;
6) Communication with patients and their significant others: the concept of therapeutic communication elements and characteristics of the therapeutic communication, building trust and empathy in communication, features and elements of therapeutic communication with patients’ relatives and significant others.