Prevention and rehabilitation of lower body injuries in sport


Subject carrier


Basics of medical terminology (aetiology, incidence, prevalence, etc.)

Anatomy of the lower body
o Bones, muscles, ligaments and other structures of the lumbar spine and sacro-iliac joint
o Bones, muscles, ligaments and other structures of the pelvic girdle and the hip
o Bones, muscles, ligaments and other structures of the leg
o Bones, muscles, ligaments and other structures of the foot
o Function of the lower body muscles

Neuromuscular control of movement with emphasis on the lower body
o Inter-muscular coordination of cyclic movements (running)
o Inter-muscular coordination of acyclic movements (jump, landing, kick)
o Development of movement patterns and motor learning

Biomechanics of the lower body
o Key biomechanical kinematic and kinetic parameters of the lower limbs and lower trunk
o Correct and harmful movement patterns of the lower body

Mechanisms of injury development from biomechanical viewpoint

Epidemiology of the lower body injuries
o The prevalence of lower limb injuries in different sports
o Epidemiology of lumbar spine and sacro-ilic joint injuries in sport
o The prevalence of individual injuries of lower body

Most common lower body injuries
o Facet pain, discogenic pain, hernia disci, sacro-iliac joint pain, ankle injuries, anterior cruciate ligament injurie, muscle strain, groin pain, knee collateral ligament injurie, anterior knee pain

Physical therapy of the lower body
o Exercises for developing strength and power of the lower trunk, hip, knee and ankle
o Stretching exercises for the the lower trunk, hip, knee and ankle
o Local stabilization exercises for the the lower trunk, hip, knee and ankle
o Global stabilization exercises
o Integration and cyclization of different exercise modalities – analytical/local approach
o Integration and cyclization of different exercise modalities – synthetical/global approach
o Approaches to prevention and treatment of lumbar spine and sacro-iliac joint injuries and deformations

Supplementary techniques in prevention and rehabilitation
o Using bandages in prevention and rehabilitation of the lower body injuries
o Using elastic taping in prevention and rehabilitation of the lower body injuries
o Using physical agents (herbal patches, ultrasound, thermotherapy, balneotherapy, electrical and magnetic stimulation) in rehabilitation of the lower body injuries

Clinical assessment of the lower body
o Palpation of the lower limb and lower trunk
o Lower limb and lower trunk muscle strength testing
o Lower limb and lower trunk flexibility testing
o Functional tests for the lower body
o Imaging techniques for assessment of the lower body

External risk factors for developing lower body injuries
o Equipment as a risk factor for lower body injuries
o Training as a risk factor for the lower body injuries
o Environment as a risk factor for the lower body injuries

Internal risk factors for developing lower body injuries
o Age and sex as a risk factors for the lower body injuries
o Body structure and function as a risk factors for lower body injuries
o Motor abilities as a risk factors for the lower body injuries
o Asymmetries in sports and their elimination
