

Subject carrier


Cell membrane: active and passive transport, resting membrane potential, membrane action potential.
Circulatory system: blood vessels, systemic circulation, venous, microcirculation, immune system.
Respiration: ventilation, gas exchange, oxigen-hemoglobin dissociation curve, alveolar ventilation.
Food and nutrition: chemical and mechanical digestion, peristalsis, absorption, digestive enzimes and hormones, digestive glands.
Exertion: homeostasis and kidney excretion, acid-base homeostasis, blood pressure regulation, glomerular filtration, reabsorption and secretion among the nephron.
Nervous system: central and peripheral nervous system (sensory and motor division), neurons, somatic and autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic), synapses, neural circuit and systems, reflexes, the sensory system.
Motoric system: type of muscles, neuro muscular synapses, actin and myosin filament, muscle contraction, neurotransmitters, hypertrophy, atrophy, sarcopenia, energy for muscle contraction
Acid-base homeostasis: regulation of pH
Endocrine system: Endocrine organs and hormones: hypothalamus, hypophysis, thyroid, digestion system, kidney, adrenal glands, calcium regulation, reproductive hormones.
Reproductive system:
Male and female reproductive system (organs, hormones regulation), sexual reproduction, puberty pregnancy, delivery.
Skeletal muscle during exercise:
Blood flow, thermoregulation, glucose uptake and nutrition, secretion of cytokines – miokines.