- Lectures: 25 hours
- Seminar: 5 hours
- Exercises 20 hours
- Clinical exercises: 10 hours
- Independent work: 120 hours
Subject carrier
• Basic concepts in neurology, concepts of reasoning in
neurophysiotherapy. • Short overview of human neuroanatomy and neurophysiology.
• Normal motor control development and sensory-motor integration • Assessment,
outcome measurements and goal setting in neurophysiotherapy • Muscle tone and
abnormal muscle tone • Neuroplasticity • Basics of nerophysiopherapeutic
concepts: • Proprioceptiv neuromuscular facilitation • Neuro-development
techniques • Bobath concept • Vojta concept • Common neurologic conditions and
principles of neurophysiotherapetic management • Splinting and the use of
orthoses in the management of patients with neurological disorders • Fall
prevention • Long-term management for patients with neurological disorders