Infectious diseases and hygiene in healthcare institutions


Subject carrier


Infectious diseases and their agents
– bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, prions (classification, structure, forms, reproduction, metabolism, genetics, resistance)
Bacteria and host:
– Normal microflora, pathogenicity, virulence, toxins, zoonoses
– Transmissions of infections:
local / systemic infection, vectors, reservoirs, opportunistic infections
– hospital infections
– antibiotics and chemotherapeutics
Laboratory diagnostics of bacterial infections:
– identification of bacteria
– removal of swabs and samples for the laboratory investigations
– Gram staining (practical presentation in the laboratory)
Sterilization and disinfection:
– physical, chemical and mechanical methods of sterilization
– disinfection and disinfectants
Bacterial diseases and their agents:
– infections of the skin, gastrointestinal and respiratory tract, sexually transmitted and systemic infections (staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci, pneumococci, enterobacteria, salmonella, eschericia, clostridium, vibrio, mycobacteria, treponema, leptospira)
Viral diseases and their agents:
– infections of the skin, gastrointestinal and respiratory tract, sexually transmitted and systemic infections (herpes, HIV, hepatitis, measles, rubella, polyomielitis, haemorrhagic fever, viral diarrhea)
Fungal and opportunistic infections:
– infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, mucous membranes, systemic infections (candidiasis, aspergillosis, cryptococcosis)
Immune system:
– congenital and acquired immunity
– the structure and function of the immune system
– immune response, inflammation, antigen, antibody
– immunization (active, passive)
– vaccination and vaccines
– personal hygiene and hand hygiene (washing, disinfection)
– protection of health workers (use of protective devices, vaccination)
– waste management in health care settings
– infections in healthcare institutions (legislation and organization of services, implementation of controls, measures to prevent the emergence and spread of infectious diseases in hospitals, risk factors, the problem of resistant bacteria)
– food hygiene and food and water contamination