First aid and health education


Subject carrier


Content description:
Students gain knowledge of the following areas:
• ethical and legal aspects of providing first aid;
• initial assessment of injured or suddenly ill person and basic procedures that include first aid;
• triage and chain of survival;
• recognition and assessment of unconscious person;
• basic and advanced life support in adults, children, infants and newborns
• airway management;
• type of shocks, recognition and possible interventions;
• haemorrhage – types of haemorrhages, methods of haemostasis and wound management;
• initial treatment of the injured person (contusions, sprains, dislocations, bone fractures), and principles and methods of immobilization;
• types of shock, recognition and possible measures of treatment
• recognition and basic measures in some emergencies that can occur in children, adolescent and adult active population, such as: burns, hypothermia and frostbite, acute poisoning; allergic reactions and anaphylaxis, asthma, acute stroke, epilepsy and status epilepticus, hypoglycaemia
• Specific content from the field of health protection and education for health.

In the laboratory exercises, students acquire knowledge about correct cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a phantom, learn the primary wound care management, basics of immobilization and the patient correct positions during the transport