Exercise physiology


Subject carrier


1. Work, Power and Efficiency
a. Terminology in Exercise Physiology
b. Operating of cycling and running ergometers;
c. Direct and indirect calorimetry;
d. Evaluation of energy consumption.

2. Energy and metabolism
a. Thermodynamics;
b. Homeostasis and regulation;
c. Biological control systems;
d. Energy reserves in human body;
e. Energy sources for the selected exercise and its duration.

3. Hormonal response during exercise
a. Effect of hormones on glycogen consumption;
b. Permissive and slow-acting hormones;
c. Hormones during and after exercise / sport activities;
d. Interaction between hormones and substrates;

4. Acid–base equilibrium in human body

5. Temperature regulation
a. The role of hypothalamus during and after exercise / sports activity;
b. Thermoregulation in a cold environment;
c. Thermoregulation in a warm environment;
d. Mechanisms for releasing heat in the body.

6. Immune system
a. Adaptive and innate immune response;
b. Acute inflammation;
c. The effect of exercise on the immune response.

7. Physical performance laboratory tests
a. Mechanical and metabolic efficacy;
b. Measurement procedures for evaluation of aerobic capacity / power;
c. Measurement procedures for evaluation of anaerobic capacity / power;
d. Determination of exercise intensity based on gas-exchange analysis;

8. Nervous system and skeletal muscle
a. Histology of exercise-induced muscle damage;
b. Adaptations to strength and endurance training;
c. The role of satellite cells in muscular hypertrophy;
d. Regeneration

9. Regeneration of energy substrates and skeletal muscle
a. Skeletal muscle regeneration
b. ATP regeneration
c. Glycogen re-synthesis
d. Creatine phosphate re-synthesis

10. Cardio-respiratory aspects of exercise
a. Interaction between cardiac flow, peripheral resistance and arterial blood pressure;
b. Venous and arterial blood system during exercise / sports activity;
c. Blood supply to the heart;
d. Gas exchange between the organism and the environment;
e. Respiratory control during rest and effort.

11. Physiological aspects of adaptations to exercise
a. Principles of overload, specificity, individuality and reversibility;
b. Adaptations to anaerobic training;
c. Adaptations to aerobic training;
d. Arteriovenous difference at different loads;
e. Athlete’s heart

12. Physiological factors for achievements in sport
a. Limiting factors in different sport disciplines in achieving top results.
