English for specific purposes in dietetics


Subject carrier


1. Skills
1.1. Oral expression and communication
– Raising awareness on the differences between general English and ESP;
– Basic conversational strategies (language of tact and diplomacy);
– Discussions and debates on topics from the professional field (dietetics);
– Successful public speaking: efficient presentations on international professional and scientific symposiums;
– Interpretation of graphs and tables;

1.2. Reading comprehension
– Discussion of advanced authentic texts from the field of dietetics with reading comprehension strategies and exercises;
– Acquisition and expansion of terminology from the field of dietetics; collocations, translation;
– Linguistic and structure analysis of technical and scientific texts, exercises for practising linguistic and functional structures;

1.3. Listening comprehension
– Development of listening comprehension skills by listening to authentic recordings, taking notes, summarizing;

1.4. Written expression
– Writing technical and scientific texts (essay, report, abstract), citing sources, summarizing, paraphrasing;
– Writing official texts: applications, CV, email;

2. Grammar structures
– English tense system, active and passive voice
– conditional sentences
– reported speech
– articles
– gerund and infinitive
– modal verbs

3. Vocabulary
– Dietetics and nutrition counselling terminology (collocations, derivation)
– Vocabulary related to the production of oral and written texts (hedging, linking, discourse markers)
