Didactics, pedagogy and andragogy


Subject carrier


Basics of pedagogics, andragogy, didactics, motivation in relation to performing exercise, training in the process of learning and developing the physical capacity and rehabilitation
• The concept of teaching and the factors of teaching, learning, education, lifelong learning.
• Designing and leading the learning community, with emphasis on physical activity
• Pedagogical communication and motivation
• Working with the different partners and various groups (children, parents, siblings, teachers, school councils, local communities, individuals (athletes, patients))
• Discovering didactic approaches to pass the knowledge efficiently when carrying out physical activities.
• Andragogic cycle. Planning and programming of the education. The characteristics of the performance of the supervised physical activities, the intertwining of the self-education, group education and carrying out physical activities.
Didactic and pedagogical principles of working with an individual or a group
• The basics of work with an individual and with a group
• Integrating principles into work with individuals and groups.
• The connection between motivation and didactic leading
Learning forms and methods and organizational forms in the implementation of the exercise and rehabilitation process
• learning forms
• learning methods
• organizational forms
• linking exercise goals and therapy with performing options
Health promotion, health and health education on primary, secondary and tertiary levels, approaches, methods and forms
• Pedagogical aspects of health promotion
• The importance of motivation to actualize health education
• Ergonomic and ecological strain during lessons/group leading
• Forms and methods of the work for health promotion, disease prevention and injury prevention
• Understanding the importance and the role of the professional for boosting health and for preventive activities.
Lifelong learning and its meaning for individuals and for the profession.
• Creating the conditions for a lifelong learning (the role of the leader, the goals, the principles and the strategies to realize lifelong learning)
• Understanding of the importance of lifelong learning for professional as an individual and for the profession (education, training, promotions).
• Acknowledging our own influence on other group members’ responses
• The importance of ability of emphatic thinking (understanding other’s perceptions)
• Learning at the workplace
Formal and informal education:
• Forms of formal and informal teaching
• The characteristics of the learning environments and learning or teaching on every educational level and of the lifelong learning
Didactics, lesson, performance
• The development of the didactical concept, the content and the function of didactics, the position of didactics in the system of social sciences
• Planning and preparing for the lesson. Lesson evaluation.
• The structure of the lesson
• Designing the lesson as the activity comprising of several organization forms (working in pairs, on special testing ground, frontal activity, group activity)
• Preparation and conduction of practical activities with different organizational forms
• Taxonomy of the educational goals
• Preparation of the homework and the exercise for the patients
• The importance of the quality of the physiotherapist’s work and some techniques for tracking and improving of the quality of his/her work
• Preparation and conduction of the professional session.
Learning, memory, experiential learning, problem solving
• Theories of learning (associative, behavioristic, gestalt, cognitive-constructivist, humanistic, associative and social)
• Learning as a process
• Types, forms and ways of learning and teaching.
• The principles of cooperative learning among physiotherapists, patients and the group.
Motivation for learning, communication in the learning process
• Approaches to motivate the patients for learning
• Understanding the patient’s needs and adjusting the activity and the exercises accordingly
• Knowing the group dynamics and the ability to control it
• Social skills as a crucial element of the successful learning and teaching process.