Didactics of physical education


Subject carrier


1. Definition of the course of Physical education in terms of educational periods
a. Defining the general starting points
b. General Objectives of the Course
c. Operational Objectives of the Course
d. Didactic recommendations

2. Activities of the Physical Education course

3. Planning the process of Physical Education
a. Annual working plan
b. Annual teaching preparation
c. Thematic preparation
d. Teaching preparation
e. Principles of substantive, methodical, organizational and quantitative preparation
f. Sports Day
g. Outdoor School
h. Individualization and differentiation
i. Cross-curricular integration
j. Apologies in Physical Education
k. Information and communication technology (ICT) in the process of Physical Education

4. Safety in the process of Physical Education and Sports exercise
a. Levels and types of responsibilities
b. Standards and group formation
c. Basic security principles
d. Supervision of students
e. Risks and dangers in different environments

5. Monitoring, evaluation and assessment evaluation of anthropological status and motor proficiency/knowledge and
a. Determination and monitoring of motor and functional abilities and physical characteristics
b. Sports-education card: organization, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, feedback
c. Assessment of motor proficiency/knowledge

6. Specific contents of Physical education
a. Athlete status
b. Interesting sports activities, events and performances
c. School sports competitions
d. Additional sports programs
e. The importance of Physical education for the development of key competences for lifelong learning
7. Elective course: Sports for Health, Sports for Relaxation, Selected Sports

8. Didactic guidelines for the use of ICT in the framework of physical education course
a. Definition of ICT on the field of physical education
b. Recommendations for the use ICT

9. Use and work with ICT
a. Learning to use ICT on the field of physical education
b. Find and use web resources and remote access
c. Use of software and communication portals