Didactics of modern and fighting sports


Subject carrier


1. Skateboarding
a. Getting to know skateboarding
b. Mastering skateboarding techniques
2. Archery
a. Getting to know archery
b. Mastering the archery techniques
3. Climbing
a. Getting to know climbing and climbing environments
b. Mastering the climbing techniques in different circumstances
4. Hockey
a. Getting to know hockey (on rollerblades)
b. Mastering the hockey techniques
5. Martial arts and sports
a. Fight – fighting sport relation
b. The views on martial arts and fighting sports
c. Martial arts as a mean to develop motor abilities, motor skills in motor knowledge, for children and youth
d. The relationships with opponent
e. Elements of fighting sports
f. Technique in fighting sports
g. Tactics in fighting sports
h. Fighting games
i. Martial arts and fighting sports in curriculum of sport / sport education
6. Games of socio-motor skills development
a. Games for familiarization and trust
b. Listening games
c. Games to familiarize with body contact
d. Games for relaxation
