Clinical psychology and counseling techniques


Subject carrier


1. Psychological aspects of normal and abnormal eating habits
– Links between some psychological conditions and nutrition
– Dissatisfaction with body and shape
– Negative mood (depression, anxiety)
Overeating and eating styles
– The tendency to overfeeding: emotional, external, and dietary restriction
– The Psychosomatic theory of obesity, Schachter ‘interior and exterior theory of obesity and cognitive control of eating
– Samples of binge eating as disorder eating and eating disorder (Feeding as loss of control, Binge eating disorder (BED), Compulsive Overeating (CO)

2. Clinically defined status
-Definition of eating disorders (AN, BN)
-Definition of eating disorders and overweight (BED, OD)
-Definition of disorder eating and overweight (NES)

3. Introduction to Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Characteristics of behavioral and cognitive therapies
Basic techniques and methods of behavioral and cognitive therapies
Characteristics of the therapeutic process in behavioral therapy
Indications for behavioral and cognitive therapy
The usefulness of cognitive-behavioral techniques in Dietetics
Interview as a methodical interview in Dietetics
The clinical interview (and elements of clinical psychological interview)
Behavioral interview
Motivational interview and psychological aspects of motivation for dietary changes (methods of encouraging changes in behavior)
The interview as a means of diagnostic and advisory activities
Counselling interview (systematics, methods and techniques)
