Class management


Subject carrier


1. Child and adolescent in the educational process
a. Education as a right and a duty
b. Child and adolescent as an active part of the educational process
c. The goal of the educational process is to create an independent, thinking and responsible individual
d. Principles of objectivity, criticality and plurality
e. Knowledge in a knowledge society and sustainable development

2. Definition of
a. School system
b. grade, class, group, homeroom teacher, class council,
c. a learning community

3. Legislation and regulations

4. Class management
a. Management strategies,
b. Effective classroom communication,
c. Conflict resolution strategies,
d. The roles and tasks of the homeroom teacher,
e. Planning and evaluation.

5. School and classroom atmosphere
a. shaping the school culture,
b. identification, recognition, measurement and changing the school and classroom culture.

6. The homeroom teacher and professional development
a. Professional autonomy of a teacher

7. Teacher/homeroom teacher own practice researcher
a. Research monitoring of classroom management
b. Evaluation of class management
c. A physical education teacher as a class teacher

8. Monitoring, assessment, evaluation and standards of knowledge
a. Analysis of lessons
b. Assessment criteria
c. Knowledge standards and individual standards of knowledge; Expected level of ability and knowledge
d. Self-reflection works

9. Specificities of process management in the physical education class
a. Apologies in physical education
b. Obtaining written consent
c. Compliance with house rules and safety principles
d. Actions in violation of school rules and safety risks