

Subject carrier


1. Physical quantities
2. Forces and torque
3. Energy
4. Atoms and molecules
5. Isotopes
6. Radioactive radiation
6.1. Alpha radiation
6.2. Beta radiation
6.3. Gamma radiation
7. Measurements of radioactive radiation
8. Electric field
8.1 Electric charge
8.2 Voltage
8.3 Circuits
9. Magnetic field
10. Longitudinal and transverse waves
11. Special senses
11.1 Hearing, or auditory perception
11.2 Conversion of a mechanical signal into an electrical potential
11.3 Mechanical sound amplification
11.4 Vision
11.5 Reflection and refraction of light
11.6 Conversion of a light signal into an electric potential
12. Biomechanics
12.1 Torque 1, 2, 3 level
12.2 Torque in the spine
13. Cell Biophysic
13.1 Transport and electrical gradient across the cell membrane
13.2 Resting Membrane potential
13.3. Action potential
14. Nernst potential
15. Bioelectrical properties of ion channels
16. Ion pumps
17. Cardiac muscle actions potential and depolarization of cariac muscle
18. Human energy balance
19. Energy metabolism
20. Physics and environment
21.1 Forms of energies
21.2. Electromagnetic spectrum and electromagnetic waves (ionizing and non-ionizing)
22. Atmospheric Chemistry and Greenhouse Gases
23. Aerosol
24. Stratosferic and troposferic ozone
25. Lightning strike
26. Seismic waves
27. Biophysics laboratory exercise: osmosis and diffusion