Basic Nursing with Philosophy


Subject carrier


Introductory contents of nursing care:
• Patient’s Environment (definition, purpose, equipment and maintenance)
• Life activities and patient’s help in maintenance / implementation of life activities (identifying healthy / pathological samples or symptoms / signs related to life activities)
• Patient within the health system (admission, dismissal, transfer and continuity of nursing care)
• Security concept (from the perspective of patient, environment, personnel and work processes)
History of nursing care and development of knowledge in nursing care:
• Characteristics of various periods in the development of nursing care
• Change image and role of nurses through history
• Theories and conceptual models – the importance and practical usage
Modern nursing care:
• The process of professionalization of nursing care
• Conceptual starting points of modern nursing care
• Elements of modern nursing care
• Nursing care as an integral part of health care system
• Nurse as operator and provider of nursing care
• Patient as subject of nursing care
• Challenges of nursing care today and tomorrow
Practical training in special classrooms as preparation to enter the clinical environment.
