Delegacija UP obiskala Univerzo v Trstu

V sredo, 26. 2. 2025, so rektorica Univerze na Primorskem, prof. dr. Klavdija Kutnar, Aleš Oven, pomočnik rektorice UP, dekan UP Fakultete za vede o zdravju, prof. dr. Nejc Šarabon, asist. Jakob Renko in Andreja Brecelj, vodja Službe za znanstvenoraziskovalno...

Erasmus days 2024

UP participates in the Erasmus Days with an exhibition and an Erasmus+ World Café The University of Primorska is joining the international Erasmus Days campaign aimed to promote all the opportunities proposed by Erasmus+. The Vice-Rector for...

Conference Health Of Working-Age and Older Adults

We have successfully concluded the 7th scientific and professional conference with international participation, titled “Health of Working-Age and Older Adults”, organized by the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Primorska. The conference took...

Job offer: Assistant – Assistant (R1)

ASSISTANT – ASSISTANT (R1) Job Information Offer Description participation in teaching, research, and artistic activities, as well as other duties specified inthe acts of the UP and its member institutions, conducting various types of exercises or training for...

Public Call for Applications for Scholarships 2024/2025

The University of Primorska invites all students of the following faculties: UP Faculty of Humanities, UP Faculty of Management, UP Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, UP Faculty of Education, UP Faculty of Tourism Studies –...


T4EU “BACHELOR TRACKS” 2024/2025 offer published, registrations are now open With the University of Primorska joining Transform4Europe as a full member of the European University, new opportunities are opening up to broaden the knowledge of both UP and...

T4EU Week In Katowice, Poland

T4EU Week In Katowice, Poland The University of Silesia in Katowice invites students of all the Transform4Europe (T4EU) universities to take part in the T4EU Week in Katowice, Poland. The event will take place from 21 to 25 October 2024 under the theme European...