prof. dr. Nejc Šarabon – PHD TOPIC 3

Name and Surname: prof. Nejc Šarabon, PhD

Research facility (research activity location)
University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences

Research field according to ARIS classification
Science: Social sciences
Field: Sport
Subfield: Kinesiology – medical aspect (orthopedics, physical medicine and rehabilitation,..)

Summary of research topic and field
Mentoring of a young researcher under the Public Call for Young Researchers at the University of Primorska in 2024.

More information on the website:–tenders/call-for-employment/5291-

Topic: STUDY OF ADAPTATION MECHANISMS AND OPTIMIZATION OF APPROACHES TO MOBILITY EXERCISES IN THE CASE OF HIP ADJUSTMENTS – Sufficient mobility is crucial for performance and reducing the risk of injury in certain sports – especially in those that require greater mobility for sufficient sports performance (gymnastics, combat sports, …) and in sports in which the most common injuries (muscle-tendon thigh and shin injuries) occur in a stretched position (football, athletics, hockey, tennis, …). Although the basic stretching methods are well researched, the effects
and connections between them and newer methods (eccentric and other stretches using dedicated devices) have not yet been studied in detail. The purpose of the doctoral thesis is to develop and improve methods for the development of flexibility and to understand the acute and chronic effects of various training methods on muscle-tendon structures and joints. The work of the doctoral candidate will take place in three phases: a systematic review, a cross-sectional study and an intervention study. It is planned to use different metrology approaches and methods (morphological and functional measurements of muscle-tendon structures with diagnostic ultrasound, measurements of mechanical quantities with dynamometers, measurements of joint mobility, etc.) to obtain data. The expected contribution of this research work will be the improvement of
understanding and methods for the development of mobility, which can significantly contribute to the field of kinesiology and physiotherapy in adding to goals such as: athletes safety, preventive efficiency, and sports performance.
