Clinical training in emergency medical service and laboratory medicine


Subject carrier


Scope of Emergency medical service:
The practical training in the field of emergency medicine represents student’s upgrade of the present study programme with annual repetition of resuscitation procedures within clinical tutorials.
The student has to recognise the basics for identification of vitally threatened patient in hospital and prehospital environment, and official acceptance of treatment protocols. The student implements basic medical and technical procedures in vitally threatened patients (basic monitoring, treating respiratory tract and ventilation within his/her competences, defibrillation and electroconversion, emergency drugs and ways applying therapies, implementation of haemostasis, treatment of acute wounds (traumatic, burn wounds), usage of devices for the implementation of immobilization and transportation positions etc.). The student acquires the skills for independent action in situations requiring immediate attention. The student acquires the capacity to mobilize secular population in giving assistance to handicapped individuals.
The area of laboratory medicine:
The clinical training in Laboratory Medicine consists of an introductory seminar and practical part carried out by students in groups:
1st exercise: basic physical and chemical urine analysis with test strips, screening test at the presence of an increased number and bacteria (Gram pos. or neg.) species.
2nd exercise: demonstration of sugars in urine and measuring concentration of glucose in capillary blood.
3rd exercise: measurement of prothrombin time in capillary blood and sedimentation in the vein, implementation of screening tests for hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia.