Topics from humanities in kinesiology


Subject carrier


The following content will be presented:
Based on the basic definitions of the humanities of sport, the module opens many contradictions of sport and kinesiology: individualism – communitarianism, internal – external values, practice – institution, body – spirit, right – good, health – harm, moderation – maximum, violence, doping, technology, etc. Reasoning sport as a means of education and treats fair play from a philosophical point of view. Concepts such as care, ethos, patronage, virtues and theories such as deontology, teleology, utilitarianism, etc. are transferred to the sports and kinesiological context.
• Society as a constructed reality
• Society and individual
• Characteristics of risk societies
• Globalization
• Individualization
• An outline of the sociological characteristics of Slovenian society
• Class, ethnic and gender divisions of modern societies
• Stigma, and the attitude of society towards otherness
• Sociology and philosophy of the body
• Movement Sports Activity and the socialization process
• Movement Sports Activity and its role in the processes of individualization / the importance of physical appearance and health for the identity of modern humans
• Sport as a factor in social mobility
• Sport and the problems of sexual and racial / ethnic stigmatization
• Subculture and Movement Sports activity.
• Sports and human rights.
• Media and sports