T4EU Week In Katowice, Poland

T4EU Week In Katowice, Poland

The University of Silesia in Katowice invites students of all the Transform4Europe (T4EU) universities to take part in the T4EU Week in Katowice, Poland. The event will take place from 21 to 25 October 2024 under the theme European Universities’ Diplomacy.

Each student can take one course, which lasts the whole week. All courses will be held in English. In your application, please rank the three courses you would like to attend in order of preference. You can choose from seven courses:

7 courses in English language will be offered.

For each course, there will be an in-person component and an online component. The in-person component will take place during the T4EU Week, whereas the online component will happen before/after the week. The exact information will be sent from the course leaders after the selection process is completed.

To complete the course, you will have to pass a knowledge test, after which you will be awarded 3 ECTS by the University of Silesia.

More about application: T4EU Week In Katowice, Poland (upr.si) 
