Open call for T4EU week courses for the students of the University of primorska in the academic year 2024/2025

Under the European University Transform4Europe (T4EU), UP announces the Open call for T4EU week courses for the students of the University of Primorska in the academic year 2024/2025 (click for download).

The T4EU Week is organized by the University of Primorska and the University of Trieste from 20 to 24 May 2024.

8 courses in English language will be offered.

All information on courses >> HERE <<. 

Each student participates in 1 course, which will run the whole week. For each course, there will be an in-person component and an online component. The in-person component will take place during the T4EU week, whereas the online component will happen before/after the week.

To complete the course, the student will have to pass a knowledge test. After successful completion they will be awarded 3 ECTS by the University of Primorska.


Students of the University of Primorska (UP), who have a status of full time or part-time student on undergraduate and graduate study programmes of UP.


Students submit the APPLICATION which includes the MOTIVATION LETTER IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE >> HERE <<. 

In the application students can rank three (3) T4EU Week courses that they would like to attend in order of desirability.

Deadline for submitting the application: 9 April 2024. 

Check the >> CALL << and submit you application for the T4EU Week!