Simulation in nursing


Subject carrier


Presentation of simulations:
• Foundations of simulation
• reasons for the introduction of simulations in in the field of nursing
• implementation of simulation in real-life environment (in addition to technical, also social aspect of the introduction of such technologies is presented thorough the diffusion of innovation theory, technology acceptance theory, unified theory of acceptance and use of technology)

Scenarios in the field of nursing:
• scenario design in the field of nursing
• analysis of different scenarios by considering the quality of nursing, resource consumption and time
• peculiarities of scenarios in the field of nursing in different fields (e.g. community nursing, paediatric nursing, elderly, etc.).

Typical simulations and simulators in nursing:
• simulation mannequin
• standardized patient
• simulations in virtual learning environments
• simulations
• augmented reality
• Presentation of key actors and producers in the field of simulation in nursing and standardized simulations in nursing

Simulation debriefing:
• key questions about the performed simulation – Debriefing
• qualitative and quantitative analysis of simulations’ data

Modern technology to simulate scenarios in the field of nursing:
• categorisation of simulators
• ICT as a support of simulation in nursing;
• devices and method with scannable output (pneumatic, vibrotactile, electrotactile, neuromuscular devices);
• Artificial intelligence
• Virtual reality