Psychosocial aspects of working with specific groups


Subject carrier


1. The importance of physical activity for the mental health and well-being of individuals

2. Considering the psychological characteristics and the specifics of working with different groups:
a. Developmental characteristics and factors for training of the elderly;
b. Developmental characteristics and factors for training of the children and adolescents;
c. Specifics of work with risk groups, patients and individuals after injury
3. Motivation to adopt a healthy lifestyle for adults:
a. Individual and situational factors of motivation;
b. Interventions to promote training in population;
c. Planning and promoting behavioral changes (socio-cognitive models, trans-theoretical model)

4. Promotion of healthy psychological development and personal growth through sport:
a. Motivation and reasons for sporting activities in children and adolescents;
b. Psychological aspects of working with young athletes (effective coaching practices, the role of parents, peers in youth sports).

5. Psychological aspects of communication and management at work with specific groups:
a. Promoting effective mutual relationship communication;
b. Leadership styles and effective leadership of the group;
c. Promoting a positive climate in the group;
d. Strategies for successful conflict resolution.