

Subject carrier


1. Circulatory system, heart and blood
1.1. Blood cells, blood vessels, systemic circulation
1.2. Regulation of heart beat
1.3. The cardiac pump
1.4. Blood vessels and microcirculation
2. Immune system:
2.1. innate response
2.2. adoptive response
3. Respiration
3.1. alveolar and lung ventilation ventilation
3.2. gas exchange, Oxygen transport and carbon dioxide
3.3. Lung volumes and capacities
4. Excretory system: The kidney
4.1. elements of renal function, primary urine formation
4.2. urine formation: glomerular filtration, reabsorption, and secretion.
4.3. Regulation of acid-base balance (pH), volume of liquid.
5. Nervous system
5.1. central and peripheral nervous system
5.2. autonomic nervous system
5.3. somatic nervous system
5.4. sensory nervous system
5.5. synapses
5.6. nerves
5.7. Higher function of nervous system
6. Food and nutrition
6.1. Effects of nutritional components
6.2. Regulation of appetite
6.3. chemical and mechanical digestion, peristalsis, absorption of nutrients
6.4. Digestive glands
6.5. Digestive enzymes and hormones
6.6. Digestion processes
7. Motor system
7.1. Type of muscles
7.2. Neuro-muscular junction, motor unit
7.3. Neuro muscular transmission
7.4. Sliding of actin and myosin filaments, energy for muscle contraction
8. Nutrition and digestion:
8.1. Food ingredients and impact on the organism
8.2. regulation of appetite
8.3. mechanical activity of the gastrointestinal tract, secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract, peristalsis, absorption of nutrients
8.4. the role of glands in digestion (secretion glands in the mouth, pancreas, glands in the stomach, liver, gallbladder),
8.5. the role of pancreatic enzymes and hormones in digestion
8.6. regulation of metabolic processes
9. Endocrine system
9.1. Endocrine organs and hormones: hypothalamus, hypophysis, epiphysis
9.2. thyroid glands,
9.3. adrenal glands
9.4. placenta
9.5. excretion of hormones (positive and negative feedback)
10. Reproductive system
10.1. Puberty
10.2. sexual reproduction and reproductive glands
10.3. Menstruation cycle, pregnancy, parturition, menopause.