Nutrition care of the Elderly


Subject carrier


1. Technological procedures in food preparation for the elderly.
1.a. Preprocessing technology.
1.b. Thermal procedures.
1.c. The effect of procedures on the quality of finished dishes.
2. Quality assurance system in the preparation of meals and transport of meals for the nutrition of the elderly.
3. Lifestyle of the elderly.
4. Nutrition planning in the elderly.
4.a. Healthy nutrition.
4.b. Dietary nutrition.
4.c. Nutrition adapted to the individual needs of the elderly.
4.d. Sensory analysis of foods, dishes, meals.
5. Nutrition treatment methods in the elderly.
5.a. Nutritional screening.
5.b. Nutritional status assessment.
5.c. Appraisal of nutritional habits and quantities of consumed food.
5.d. Preparation of the nutrition plan.
5.e. Monitoring nutritional therapy of the elderly.
5.d. Nutrition counselling of the elderly.
6. Andragogical work in the field of nutrition education and work with the elderly.
6.a. ICT.