Informatics and e-health


Subject carrier


Informatics, information system and information society (hardware and software, data and data bases, people and organizations, information systems used in health care, health care process information system);

Information and communication technologies (ICT) (types of networks, network components, contemporary telecommunication systems and services, the Internet, Internet of Things and Body Sensor Networks and their usage in health care, tools for teamwork, the usage of ICT for informing and rising clients’/patients’ awareness to inform, the usage of electronic resources in health care, e-learning and its forms);
Information and cyber security (data encryption, electronic signature, health data protection, legal basis, standards);

Guidelines, strategies and projects in the field of Slovenia’s computerization and health care digitalization (e.g. e-Health, cyber security strategy, strategy for the development of the information society).

The procedure of technical design of primary document (advanced work with text editor);

Tools for image capture, processing and production;
Tools and advanced functions for work with spreadsheets (advanced work with spreadsheet tools, functions, formulas, charts, pivot tables, pivot graphs, documents merging, etc);
Literature searching in specialised databases (e.g. Sciencedirect, EBSCO) and the internet;

Tools for citing and referencing, collect, highlighting and commenting;
Web tools for teamwork (e.g. Google Drive, resource sharing and advanced functions).